It's weird - the Axe-FX made me enjoy tube amps even more!

You know one of the things that the Axe-FX made me do was really discover how cool tube amps can be.

There's no way I could have discovered why Dumbles or Trainwrecker amps sound so cool without having the ability to hear it on my Axe-FX. Those amps are so expensive I would never have bothered checking them out in a store.

I've never been much of a gear fanatic when it came to amps, happily playing on solid state to no-name tube amps, but once I got my Axe-FX, it really opened up the world of expressiveness that a good tube amp can offer. I found myself playing with dynamics more often, and because I can get the sound of a cranked tube amp on the Axe-FX without waking up my roommates or neighbors, it really showed me why tube amps are so well-liked.

Isn't it strange that a digital device allows you to appreciate the analog (tube) world all the more?

Now when I go into store and check out tube amps, I can better evaluate them and I truly see why they are often preferred over solid state amps. In fact the Axe-FX has been a great tool for my friends to see what tube amp they want to purchase next. Also it's been a great way to demo cabinets and see how they'll match up with amps.

I never understood the fascination with the Marshall JCM-800, but once I got to hear it on the Axe-FX, man that sweet warm but still aggressive rock-n-roll sound made me a believer. Funny story, one musician friend of mine who comes over to play at my house, always wants to be on that JCM 800 setting, and he knows nothing about gear, but knows a good sound when he hears it (he's an amazing telecaster player).

Instead of a thinking the Axe-FX is some great warrior on the divisive battle between Digital and Analog, a topic fought with so much energy and sometimes hostility by musicians, I rather see the Axe-FX as a tool that lets you more enjoy the analog, the world of tube amps, the sounds of "real-life" , etc.

Anything that can make you appreciate the things around you, in this case tube amps, cabinets, vintage and new pedal effects, microphones, etc, is always a good thing.

Rather than thinking the Axe-FX will replace all tube amps in the world, I rather think it allows to more value them, lets us do things we could never do (or easily do) with traditional tube amp setups, and on top of that, I think the Axe-FX also makes us want to buy tube amps. After hearing that Marshall JCM-800, one day I'd love to own the real thing.

Anyone else think the same?
The funny thing is that an AxeFx user who learns to understand and use the advanced amp parameters probably understands more about tube amps than most tube amp users!
Had the same perverse affect on me too....except, since buying the Axw FX, I was able to audition through the box, another tube amp that I really liked. Now it is on order :twisted:

Guitar Hero is a BEAR for someone who plays real guitar. It's a glorified keytar basically - your muscle memory doesn't help at all. By extension, I'd expect the opposite to be true as well - someone with 1337 GH skills will find a real guitar very difficult to play.
Same reason why I'm now badly GASing for an Ueber and a Rectifier. I'd never have considered those amps prior to the Axe ..
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