Issue with layout link on override switches with FW 6.04 / FC 1.09



I have an issue with firmware 6.04 and/or FC firmware 1.09 :

It happen on all my per-preset override switches that use a layout link. The layout link is not working anymore, it stays on the same layout.

Can anyone try to setup a per-preset override switch with a layout link and check if it works?

Note that it is not a layout switch on a per-preset switch, it is an overrided switch that do a basic function, like scene change or CS switch and that has a layout link.

It used to work before I updated, I think from FW 5.something

I posted this on the FW 6.04 but didn't get any answer so I thought creating its own thread might help.

Thank you
Can anyone try to setup a per-preset override switch with a layout link and check if it works?
If you can upload your preset and your "System + Global Blocks + FC" backup from FractalBot, that would be helpful. This does sound like a bug.

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