Is there a way to disable dynacabs from loading on FM3 if I'm not using them

Totally disagree as any live performance device should be able to boot as quickly as possible within reason, and the booting time saved for those not using Dyna-Cabs live would be welcomed by all live performance players who've had a crash on stage (which includes me).
I understand your point, but I maintain that cycling the power on the unit is not an intended performance function, and therefore doesn't matter. Unit goes on, show goes on, unit goes off. If the power on any piece of equipment is cycling during a performance, your beef lies elsewhere. Analogy: if I've got a burr on my saddle and it's continually breaking strings during my gigs, does it make sense for me to gripe about how long it takes for me to change the string and wish it was less--and how guitar manufacturers need to care more about their string-breaking customers? Of course not. The complaint is hilariously misdirected.

As @12fd mentioned in a previous post, if a working professional's show relies on any piece of equipment (instruments, mics, lighting, etc), there'll be a redundant system that can be switched to when anything goes sideways. Like flashlights in a cave, 2 is one and 1 is none, and you won't find a single competently-run production that ignores the principle.
Frankly, if you're playing a gig where being down for 45-seconds in the rare event a crash happens is going to be a trainwreck or cause you undue stress, then you need to have a standby rig that you can A/B switch over to where you'll only miss a quarter or half note.

If you can live with a 25-second bootup in a rare event situation, then you can live with a 45-second bootup. If not, you need an active standby rig. Fortunately, that's quite inexpensive to do with this platform.
That's your opinion, many others have a differing opinions, which are they want the fastest boot possible during live performance (i.e. the same boot-time they had prior to Dyna-Cabs being offered, but love Cyg-3 etc), especially when you're performing as a power trio plus one.

We have backup available for total failure, but that's more hassle than a short reboot time during infrequent crash events.
Many of us want the option to disable the Dyna-Cabs only for live performance, as we use them for studio, rehearsal, and sound design etc.
Where in the turn-on/boot-up process would you add this option? Select it at turn-on and then start the boot-up process? Not sure having it as a saved function is the answer since you will still need to turn-on or off after boot-up. Does it add time or stay within the 30 seconds boot time?

Considering all the other time-consuming :) aspects of a gig (tuning, changing guitars, banter between songs, and more) is the FM3 actually the main issue?
That's your opinion, many others have a differing opinions, which are they want the fastest boot possible during live performance (i.e. the same boot-time they had prior to Dyna-Cabs being offered, but love Cyg-3 etc), especially when you're performing as a power trio plus one.

We have backup available for total failure, but that's more hassle than a short reboot time during infrequent crash events.

I think everyone understands what you want and the reason for why you want it. I have been in situations where I sensed clearly that if anyone goes down on a gig for longer than a bar or two, that would be his or her last gig. Everyone needs to weigh the costs, benefits, and risks for their personal situation and either run a standby or roll the dice and don't.

You have decided not to. That is the practical solution to your problem that you have consciously decided to pass on, and that's fine. You just probably won't get a whole lot of sympathy from Fractal over the 20 seconds you want back that you may never need as compared to the programming time and costs it would take for them to have a boot option sequence added to the firmware when a simpler and better (i.e., no bootup is faster than any bootup) solution already exists.

Is there a feature request for this in the wish list section? How many +1's did it get? I'd imagine at most 20% of users care about those 20 seconds from DynaCabs and it will never be an option.
I'm need to hold off on 8.00 until next week because I have gigs this weekend. But, like the OP, I haven't yet bonded with Dyna-Cabs. The ones I' I've tried accentuate delays and reverbs. I'll have to play with them more after I upgrade to 8.00.
Seriously it will work this way? Interesting. I might try it but the boot time doesn’t bug me. I’d be ok without the DC I’m still using my regulars.
Yup! Like I said I don’t know about whether you can downgrade but I do know for certain that I have all the features of FW8 except for dynacabs.
I think everyone understands what you want and the reason for why you want it. I have been in situations where I sensed clearly that if anyone goes down on a gig for longer than a bar or two, that would be his or her last gig. Everyone needs to weigh the costs, benefits, and risks for their personal situation and either run a standby or roll the dice and don't.

You have decided not to. That is the practical solution to your problem that you have consciously decided to pass on, and that's fine. You just probably won't get a whole lot of sympathy from Fractal over the 20 seconds you want back that you may never need as compared to the programming time and costs it would take for them to have a boot option sequence added to the firmware when a simpler and better (i.e., no bootup is faster than any bootup) solution already exists.

Is there a feature request for this in the wish list section? How many +1's did it get? I'd imagine at most 20% of users care about those 20 seconds from DynaCabs and it will never be an option.
Dude, your situations have nothing to do with mine, so how about you stop arguing with me in a thread about shorter boot times for live performance?

This conversation doesn't effect you as you are happy with your boot times, so please stop arguing with me.
Dude, your situations have nothing to do with mine, so how about you stop arguing with me in a thread about shorter boot times for live performance?

This conversation doesn't effect you as you are happy with your boot times, so please stop arguing with me.

Well, no one wants their gear to go down mid-song in a performance, so in that regard we are all in the same situation. We just have different approaches to the solution for when that happens. I'm going to solve it with things that are in my control as that makes life less frustrating. Sorry if pointing that out seemed argumentative, as that was not my intent. I hope you get your wish of being able to disable it.
We all get it that long boot times are the part of the admission price for the FM3.

My Boss SY-1000 boots in less than 12 seconds. Zoom G2/B2 Four in 7 seconds. (Not apples to apples, obviously).

Even though I don't use them, I like the concept of DynaCabs. If I'm not mistaken, DynaCabs don't add anything sonically that can't be gotten with static IRs. They just offer an intuitive way to CHOOSE the right IR. But I'm not dissing the option, people love it, and that's a wonderful thing.

I wonder if the OS could be tweaked in such a way that if it finds that no Dyna-Cabs are installed, it will either load a "default IR" or none. That would get around the not-seeing-system-settings-during-boot problem.

I guess one could get something like a Zoom MS plus-series pedals to act as a back-up/stand-in for some potential stage down-time moment. That's cheaper than an entire second FM3.
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