Is there a way to control either Wah or Rotary using only 1 expression pedal depending on Scene selections within a Preset?

Yes I could do that. Im controlling the volume of the amp block but I could just add a volume block instead and engage disengage that. I'll try that.
Yes I could do that. Im controlling the volume of the amp block but I could just add a volume block instead and engage disengage that. I'll try that.
Having a separate VolPan block has advantages. I experimented on some of my presets that were using a separate VolPan, and incorporated the volume pedal into the Cab block's Level control because I needed the pedal somewhere before the post-effects. The idea seemed smart at the time, but then I have to remember which block I have the pedal assigned to and end up having to look in the controller list to find it.

In retrospect, I think my cleverness was "uncleverness" and it makes more sense to have the visual indicator and reminder that the actual block provides. Like they said in This is Spinal Tap…

another solution is to run a line round the wah pedal and put a multiplexer after. then use the multiplexer channels to choose which row you want to use in which scene. use the wah row and you can use autoengage as normal. use the shunt row and you can use the expression for rotary speed. hope that makes sense! (use the mixer if you don't have the multiplexer in the FM9)

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Multiplexer option works great. Just set mine up for wah and rotary.
You don't even need a multiplexer block or parallel path. Just set the Wah modifier to be active on just that one channel and then change the wah block's channel to something else whenever you want to use the pedal for something else. The Wah won't auto-engage when it's on any other channel when set up that way.

The Rotary block will also automatically ramp up and down with Rate changes just like the real thing, so you don't really need an expression pedal for smooth rate changes.
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