Is there a tube combo under $300?

When it comes to tube, is a combo ideal or is a separate tube amp head and cab more versatile?

It depends on what you want and need. I like 1x12 combos because they're easy to grab and go and set up. Separate heads and cabs are lighter individually, but heavier together because of the additional cabinetry, and they offer a bit of flexibility because you can have different cabs and heads and can mix and match if that's important to you.
Are tube amps "full range" and are they ideal for guitar synthesizer pedals? I forgot what defines "full range" in an amp.

Also, is a 25 watt tube amp (combo) louder than a 25 watt solid state combo amp? I've read that a tube amp can handle distortion much better than a solid state amp at full volume but I'm curious if a tube amp is actually "louder". I've seen tube amps generally having much lower wattage than a solid state amp.
Fender Champ 12. Won't say it's great but it is usually under $300. As mentioned Blues Jr. used. I'll also add Fender Pro Jr. used.
Are tube amps "full range" and are they ideal for guitar synthesizer pedals? I forgot what defines "full range" in an amp.

Also, is a 25 watt tube amp (combo) louder than a 25 watt solid state combo amp? I've read that a tube amp can handle distortion much better than a solid state amp at full volume but I'm curious if a tube amp is actually "louder". I've seen tube amps generally having much lower wattage than a solid state amp.
If they have the same wattage the tube amp will be louder than the SS one.
Are tube amps "full range" and are they ideal for guitar synthesizer pedals? I forgot what defines "full range" in an amp.
No, you don't typically want a tube amp with a guitar synth (unless that's the sound you're going for).

I suggest using a FRFR ("full range flat response") amp. A tube amp will not produce a flat response; by design it colors the sound.

Full range is determined by the speaker and is defined as being from 20Hz to 20KHz. Speakers typically used with guitar amps tend to have a more limited, mid-focused range. The guitar synth is designed to replicate instruments outside of the normal guitar frequencies and so won't sound as convincing with a speaker normally used for guitar.
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