Is Reb Beach in the house????


Hello to all of you Axe Fx2 Lovers!!!!!!

I'm pretty new on AxeFx, managed to get one in the US and not wait 100 years for G66.
Having total fun on the thing!!!!

I'm looking for an 80 fan like Mark to tweak a Reb Beah Sound, I personally think this guy is one of the best out there, just my opinon.
I heard him on the Whitesnake "Forevermore" album and believe that sound wise it's hard to get something better (Doug included).

Feel free to post, as soon as I get going with the Axe I'll be posting.


Shine through the rain!!!!!1

As good as he is, I honestly think his tone is one of the worst, especially lately!! So since The Axe fx II has no bad tone feature, even if you try, there is none in the box, I'd forget about Rep and go for a George Lynch or Doug Aldrich tone for that 80's balls tone!! Friedmans and the Cornford will get you there!!
Thanks for the guess.
Dupere I personlly love Reb's tone, because it's diffrent from the normal 80/90 hair tone.
Both Doug and Lynch are great but there tones(talking
About sound and not skill or touch) are very simulare to others.
In any case thank again for the guess, i tried something with the marshall pre-amp that sounds close.
Will post once i nailed it.
I too love Reb Beach's tone (and not just because he's a fellow Pittsburgher). GO STEELERS!

(Sorry, I couldn't help it).

But yeah, his tone is really awesome! My guitar teacher & friend (Tony Janflone Jr.) is very close friends with Reb. He told me a story Reb told him about when Whitesnake was in Florida recording stuff... Yngwie Malmsteen was in the complex recording his own album. So anyway, Reb walks by, and Yngwie (who's a hell of a nice guy) starts chatting with him. Yngwie asks if he could check out Reb's guitar...Reb says "yeah sure man", and hands it over. Yngwie then proceeds to shred the f'n shit out of the guitar...for like 15 straight minutes,...just melting the frets and everything. He then hands the guitar back to Reb and says "NOW YOU PLAY!!!!!!!!!!". LMAO!

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