Is it possible to go back to beta 9.0 after updating to regular 9.0?


Power User
I'm thinking of going back to the 9.0 beta but didn't know if that is possible once you have updated your unit. If anyone knows about this please let me know.

I'm going to give this 9.0 update a bit more time but I'm really struggling with it compared with the beta. With the beta, I didn't have to touch a thing after updating my machine. Sounded perfect. With this latest 9.0 update, I don't seem to have the low end I had, everything is more "crisp", and almost sounds like a chorus-type effect is on sometimes. Just does not sound as good as the beta version in my opinion.

The Van Halen preset I created with the beta 9.0 firmware sounds like a Pantera Van Halen preset now. Sounds like it has more gain, really crisp, etc. I can't put my finger on it but just not as good as beta IMO. The cleaner stuff sounds much better but I'm really having the hardest time with high gain stuff it seems. It is getting in the ballpark of my previous tones but it is like a special ingredient is missing.
Of course you can go back. Just do the same thing you just did to install 9.0 , except use the 9.0 beta file instead.
Before you go back, futz with the Pick Attack param. On my VH preset turning it down (about 10 o'clock) brought it right back to where I was with the beta.

That said, once I got the hang of it (Pick Attack), I've slowly been turning ti up on ALL my presets! Takes a little adjustment through the rest of the params, but it's badass and worth the time. :)
check if Pick Attack is at its default with your presets. some users reported it being at -100 after the update which would be slightly off. also try a system parameter reset and resetting the amp in your patch. you'd loose all the advance tweaks though, but might be worth a shot.
The only difference between the beta and the release is the Comp stuff and the Pick Attack. Comp defaulted to zero on most of the models in the beta. Now it defaults to non-zero on most models. Set it to zero and it will be identical to the beta version. If Pick Attack is zero it doesn't do anything.
Thanks all! I'll take a look at those. What about the bright cap? Anything change with that?

Whether it is the Comp, Pick Attack, etc., something sounds brighter, more "crisp", etc. It sounds similar to turning up presence or treble, etc. I was playing tonight and it almost causes ear fatigue.
Some of the models were slightly tweaked but since I don't know what model is in your preset I can't comment on whether that is relevant.
I also find the 9beta better than the new 9 firmware. To me the amps sound brittle and plastic, where 9beta was a world of tubely goodness.
Wonder what could be wrong...
Is it recommended to try any of the following:
1. Reset the unit to factory defaults
2. reload the firmware 9 once again
Please help.
Edit: I have complete faith there must be something missing at my end.....don't want to miss the new great stuff in 9.
I also find the 9beta better than the new 9 firmware. To me the amps sound brittle and plastic, where 9beta was a world of tubely goodness.
Wonder what could be wrong...
Is it recommended to try any of the following:
1. Reset the unit to factory defaults
2. reload the firmware 9 once again
Please help.
Edit: I have complete faith there must be something missing at my end.....don't want to miss the new great stuff in 9.

You should go back to the beta. Even though the modeling code is identical, it will give you piece of mind.
In the Global menu, make sure the "Modeling Version" is set to what you were using with the Beta (it shouldn't have changed, but you never know). If you were using 9.xx and it changed to 7.xx, that could account for it sounding crisper & brighter (it would be slightly louder too). I actually prefer version 7.xx because of those things.
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The Amercan Lead (boogie mk IV) sounds a little brittle to me
, more than the beta , I think.

Has it been tweaked?
I used to own a mk IV and if I remember correctly
it sounded smooter (with presence at zero) than this firmware.

I use a matrix and real cabs .

Some of the models were slightly tweaked but since I don't know what model is in your preset I can't comment on whether that is relevant.
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