IRs from Custom 2x12" with loaded with Celestion


Today I took the time to start my first IR capture approach. Well, from the technical requirements it seems really easy to do. Still I don't have a final idea about the quality of the result. Some of the IRs really seem usable - other are a bit - let's say - "special" :)

I'm no tone engineer at all and my equipment isn't really full flavored either: But in the end it's you that might give me an idea about what you think. I really would appreciate that!

The setup: AXE FX II -> Solid State Power Amp -> Cab -> MXL V67i (Mic) -> AXE FX ...
I used 4 positions:
- Center/Cnt => Cap
- Cap => Cap Edge
- Middle/Mid => Cone
- Cone => Cone Edge
Two things I think I already learned: It's better to use strict standard naming conventions (sorry, next time :) ... and Mic positioning is not as easy as it seems :)

The mic might not be the best, but it has a nice feature "Dual-capsule" with bright and warm mode - most positions have been captured in both modes (but when you compare the results you'll understand, what I meant with "mic positioning not being that easy" ...
The name contains "wrm"or "brt" for warm and bright mode.

The mic was placed right at the grill - except for files ending with "1" - these had a distance of about 25 cm.
File containing top or tp are the top speaker (open back) - files with bot or bt result from the bottom (closed) speaker.

Enough said: please let me know what you thing about the IRs and what I might do different/better next time, thx!

Here it is: 2x12 - G12H

Forgot to mention the speaker type (and typo in subject).. Celestion G12H 100 - Celestion G12H 100.jpg

To get an idea of the cab (picture from a test setup):
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Hey Funeral, hope you'll have the time to give it a try! I really would like to get some feedback!

During the weekend I'll will do another capture session with my "SM 57" (which is back again -> it got lost in some box a while ago) :)

It feels like the files are very "vintage" to my ear. But I guess it is partly a result from the age of the cabinet/speaker (I guess 25+ Years)

Greets, Markus
Okay. So I went through all 30 Ir's a few times on a high gain preset and clean/bluesy preset. Wasn't great for the high gain stuff. Most of the IR's sounded very hollow and boomy. They lacked presence. It was better for the cleans but still had the hollow and boomyness. The tops sounded over better than the bottoms. The cabs with 1 were completely unusable without lots of eq'ing and tweaking. Same with the combos. They just don't sit right. I know it was a lot of work to be told they don't quite cut it, but being anything other then brutally honest will help neither you or me. I really appreciate all the time you put into these. This is all a learning lesson, and we are learning.
Keep up the good work.
Hi Funeral, thanks for your time and testing the IRs and also for your openess. For me that's absolutely no problem: if it's crap - it's just crap :)

Off course due to my missing experience with this stuff I was experimenting a lot. I guess it's a bit like digital photography - when you are a beginner (like me) you just shoot until you get at least some usable result?! ;-)

In the meanwhile I did another take and updated the zip file with a set of IRs take with the mentioned Shure SM 57: 2x12 - G12H

Again I mic'ed the 4 Positions cap, cap edge, cone and cone edge. The ending "1" indicates a distance of about 25cm. The ending "A" indicates an alternate position (about 35-40 degree to the grill).

By now it did not try them, but in the end everyone has to build his own opinion about the result I guess.
So if someone finds these IRs usable and also if they are again just unusable: Please leave a note so I get some feedback... Thanks guys!
I will try them out a little later today. Letting everyone wake up first.
Thanks for the new set of IR's.
Hey Funeral! After just comparing the sm57 IRs with the other cabs I don't expect you'll find them more usable as the first result. They just lack to much presence - but for vintage style presets they might still be usable (depending on your taste ;-)

When putting things together I always use one or even both stereo cabs and put one "top" and one "bot" (bottom) IR in them - the top (open back) often lack bass whereas the bottom ones (closed cab) are missing hights ...

I guess a mix of some IRs will be the most promising way to get an exeptable result. It just seems the speakers sound the way they do and don't provide enough presence for high gain sounds.
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