Ipad MFC success


Power User
I'm at the very early stages of configuring all this, but I just hooked up my Ipad II running "Midi Touch" with a template I made to control x/y states, the looper and some other things in the future. I just used the camera connection usb plug and a $7 usb midi interface cable from Amazon. I hooked that up to midi in/out. I hooked MFC to ethernet. I was able to control on/off of effects with MFC and x/y plus looper from Ipad. Worked totally fine. I haven't even really configured MFC yet. Just got it right before Axe II showed up.

I have lots of work to do getting things configured as I want and making patches that'll work well with the setup, but I just wanted to let folks know that it's a very viable way to go. Particularly with Ipad I's going for cheap these days, it's a pretty attractive controller option. I have a stand mount for my Ipad and can think of a ton of ways to use it. With x/y you can change the character of what you're doing mid flight and/or you could create presets with a ton of options without even needing to change patches. You could preconfigure a stomp effect before switching it on to be one of a couple of things. I'm very excited about exploring this way of working.

One piece I imagine being tricky is dealing with x/y states when switching patches. I don't think Midi Touch will have any idea about the current x/y state if it doesn't start in sync with a preset. Anyhow, I'm psyched that it works at all and had a blast creating a few simple loops and then playing with them via the x/y and footswitch controls. Much fun to be had and cool sounds to be made.
After poking around on their website, looks like Line 6 support is "coming" sometime... but not soon.

It does work with the $180 iConnect :/ For that much I'd rather get an iPad!
Cliff just updated the way x/y switches respond to midi control. Now they ignore bypass state, so you can setup which states you want to go on before actually turning them on. This is very cool and works great with the Ipad. With all the x/y options, only using the MFC to control it means you have to be very picky about the balance of x/y switches vs effect on/off switches. Now, I can control all the x/y switches off Ipad while doing effects on/off with MFC. That allows for a lot of interpatch flexibility. I'm going to gig with this setup (with Ipad) tonight for first time. Had several gigs over the weekend with Axe II and was blown away by the sound quality. It's early days, but WOW.
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