

Hello all

I thought I would take the time to introduce myself, I'm a new AX8 owner (received as a Christmas gift from my wife - more on that later!). I'm a Rush fanblah,blah blah, classic rock and 80's metal fan but try not to be a musicist. I Brexited in the mid 90's and now live in NJ. I am at best a mediocre guitar player and have owned guitars and made noise on them since I was 14, but life and career keep getting in the way (yeah I know, dumb excuse!;)). Like most aspiring guitar players I have a GAS habit and am fortunate in having a wife that positively encourages it! As a result I own gear I have no right to own, given my abilities! :laughing: My journey to Fractal started with my 'brother from another mother' X-Mann, who I met on the 11 rack presets exchange and am now proud to call one of my closest friends. I was more then impressed by the tones he was getting in his videos and the music he produces using the Fractal gear. Obviously my wife was paying attention as she asked me if I would like the AX8 for Christmas!! Let's say it did not take much arm twisting for me to say yes! ;);) I know I'm preaching to the converted, but I am beyond impressed by this product it's like switching to HD Audio after listening to MP3's! I have spent the last 4 days playing (very sore fingers) and have still not made it through the presets or scratched the surface of creating my own rigs! New years resolution (with help of my coach X-Mann!) is to play and get better. Looking forward to that and interacting with all you good folks on this forum!
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Wooo!! Hooo!! It finally worked!!:smiley::smiley: I don't think you can cut and paste into a post!! I was trying to compose in word and then paste, lesson learned!
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