Introducing the Axe-Fx II

Admin M@

Fractal Audio Systems

Three years of R&D at Fractal Audio Systems have yielded our next generation product, the Axe-Fx™ II. With twice the power of our former flagship "Ultra," the Axe-Fx II unveils new state-of-the-art algorithms and an innovative array of great hardware and software features and improvements. This all-in-one preamp/effects processor stunningly recreates great guitar signal chains—stompboxes, amps, cabs, mics, studio effects, and more—with unprecedented power, flexibility and control. As the successor to what many believe to be some of the best-sounding processors ever created, our new arrival takes "real amp tone and feel" to the next level, offering the latest word in our commentary on restoring digital to its rightful place as the superior solution for guitar processing. Never willing to rest on our laurels, we are proud to present the Axe-Fx II.
"Axe-Fx Standard and Ultra are …almost… mature in terms of their capacity for further development, the Axe-Fx II is well equipped for a future of free upgrades"
:( Almost mature in terms of their capacity for further development -does this mean no more upgrades for the "outmoded" Ultra and Standard??
Was thinking about getting a second Ultra for a portable B rig. Guess I'll be waiting and getting an Axe Fx II instead. Any word on the Amp models included in the new box?
Whoa! I was just going to buy a Macbook Pro but I waited until today to see waht the announcement was going to be. I'm glad I waited! Hmmm...when will the Axe II ship?
This is exciting and a bit unsettling at the same time. I just hope support for the original series continues well into the life of this new unit.

I know I'm happy with my Axe, but dangit.. That new VVT thing sounds pretty cool.
This is very exciting news but will there be an upgrade path for current Axe-Fx users? Two different pricing upgrades - one for Ultra owners and one for Standard owners. This seems like a fair thing to do for all of the Axe-Fx worshipers. Please consider. Again, very exciting...thank you.
Prices dropped dramatically on ebay this morning. I thought something was up and it was!

This is what I've been waiting for!
Damn I just got my axe fx. Now I prob cant sell it for good price :/ . After hours (and I mean hours) I finally got my axe fx up to 11.0 then went to website only to find out AXEFX II WAS COMING OUT! I must save for the axe fx II. Bummer I bought one recently, If I had known this was coming out I would have waited...
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