Wish Internal Controller Block - Channels


It would be nice to have a MIDI mapping for the Internal Controllers Block (LFO, ADSR, etc.).
Then it's possible to select the different Channels wit a Midi Foot Controller, as you can do in every other Block.

Also, it would be nice to have Channels for the Sequencer.
If you can choose between 4 Patterns (Channels), we can use the Sequencer a lot more MUSICALLY and VERSATILE.
With 4 Channels (Patterns) you should be able to change the Channel immediately or at the end of the Pattern.
It seems like an oversight that this is the only "block" missing from the channel assignment menu.

Scene ignore for the Controllers block would also be useful. IMO it's kind of pointless to have entirely different scene controller values per channel if you can't actually switch to and have the Controllers stay on that channel through scene changes. Same thing for the sequencer, at least how I might use it at times. If scene ignore was added I could definitely build single-preset equivalents for a few things that needed 10-20 scenes in 2-4 presets before. It would sort of be like having 32 scenes with a few restrictions. Even though you're really still using the "same" 8 scenes, scene controllers on parameters (including bypass modifiers, maybe) could make a particular scene quite different by having the controllers block on another channel.
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