Interesting Tonal finding with Input Source

Hey guys,

Something I stumbled upon today...

I always plug into the front of the Axe FX...I was going through my settings, and I found that my input source was set to REAR input rather than front....I switch it back, and found that my tone got significantly darker and looser..

Oddly enough, I like the tone I'm getting better when set to Rear input, even though I'm plugged into the front...

Why would this be happening? Anyone find the same with their Axe?

You've tweaked all your presets to compensate for a treble-boost filter which would, were the proper input selected, be cancelled by a digital filter. So of course you don't like your presets after you correct the mistake. You will need to re-tweak them for the correct input configuration. That's all that has happened.
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