Instrument input is very noisy, rear input is not. Anyone have this happen?

I've been playing with my new Axe II for a couple days. I've been dealing with some noise issues. Today I discovered that when I use the front instrument input, I get a LOT of hum/noise. If I use the rear input, everything seems to work fine. Any ideas on why this may be happening?
What is the instrument level and what is the input 1 input level set in the I/O menu?
I just sent my axe in for repair,I have an issue where the front is making noise,especially when turning up and down my volume knob on the guitar,the back input is not making noise,but maybe it's different with your axe.
I just sent my axe in for repair,I have an issue where the front is making noise,especially when turning up and down my volume knob on the guitar,the back input is not making noise,but maybe it's different with your axe.

Sounds very similar to what I'm experiencing. I never had a single problem with my Ultra, and this is a bit disappointing to start off with an issue right away.
That's good,let's see how it goes with our input problem,I will write you if I hear anything from repair in Germany.
I have this same issue. It must be a hardware problem as there's no noise problem when plugged into any of the rear sockets. Settings are all fine.

I bought my unit second hand, anyone know if I can get it fixed anywhere?
I noticed this problem a few months ago. I found that it was like a fuzz or unwanted distortion behind the sound, and yes it seemed to go away when using the rear jack. I didn't send the unit in for repair because i live in Australia and i couldn't afford to be without my axe fx. what i have just discovered is that the noise also happens on the rear jack as well when the input trim in the amp sim is turned up to a higher value. I mainly use the Euro blue amp sim and i have found that if i wind down around 12 o'clock the trim the noise will go away on the front input. I figure it must be something to do with the impedance matching on the different inputs.

hope that helps.
I heard in some thread (that I can't find now) that was a grounding issue with the front input. It might be possible to get a description from Fractal about what needs to be done to fix it for those guys that can't get their unit back to support for distance reasons.
Colour me curious at this. I've got noise too but I just assumed that my guitar pickups was just that way (Lundgren m8's) I'm gonna try the rear inputs too see if I'm in the same boat! Hmm....interesting.
I just sent my axe in for repair,I have an issue where the front is making noise,especially when turning up and down my volume knob on the guitar,the back input is not making noise,but maybe it's different with your axe.

Seems like a lot of people here have this problem. Is it specific for a certain batch of Axe fx II's or the XL? Do you all have the same Axe fx II's? Good to know for other users.
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