Initial values of Externals during changing preset


I am programming a MIDI controller on Andurino and I ran into some action that was a bit unexpected, and which - upon reflection - is even logical.

The point is that if I use the External_X variable in fractal unit (FM3, but I suspect it is similar in all of them) as a bypass control variable of a block (e.g. Delay), then when turning on the entire FM3 device, I am able to determine the initial state of this variable External_1 = Delay_Bypass (this is set in the settings of FM3 itself - initial values for each External_X variable).

However, changing the preset does not force this value anymore - i.e. if in preset no.1 I turned on Delay with the MIDI controller (using the External1 variable), then changing the preset to preset no.2 will cause Delay to be still on, despite the fact that preset 2 was saved with Delay OFF (bypass delay in preset 2 is also connected to External1).

It's a bit surprising - but logic is ok. Changing the preset I do NOT change the state of External1, so the bypass state of the Delayy block still remains unchanged (in this case, since I turned it on during preset no, it still remains on for preset no.2).

Understanding the logic above - I'm looking for a path, how can I FORCE the initial state of preset 2? Is there a setting in the fractal itself that will cause ALL Exernal to take initialization values when changing preset (preset changing i can make from MIDI controller or froma FM3 panel/switches)?

Or some MIDI message?

Best regards
Enable PC Reset for the bypass modifier. This will allow adjusting bypass state normally, and the preset will recall with the block in whichever state you set and stored.
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