Inexpensive active full range monitors?

Yeah Behringer has gotten a bad reputation in the past and I could see why.

However in the last few years I think their stuff has improved. I've used a few of their monitors and boards and never had a problem. You really do get good value. Although you still have to be careful about mentioning this in public!

I'm really happy with the B212D. It is a great light weight setup for me.
I play in a band that gigs quite a lot and our PA has 3 Behringer active monitors of which 2 broke down within a year.
So my experience with Behringer is not that it is good quality for the money compared to Mackie or something

I picked up a pair of b212d's on sale. I've used them with the Ultra on a few gigs and so far so good. Just turn down the bass control so they don't fart out when you crank 'em. They won't sound as good as a pair of verve 12ma' s and you get what you pay for. But, for the money, they will work. IMO, if you want thick, loud, chunka chunka drop D tones, best to go the power amp and 4-12 cab route. not the b212d.s
I am also thinking about getting a Behringer wedge. I wonder if B210D would be loud enough. Since some friends mentioned lowering bass eq on B212Ds, i guess 10" speaker on B210D may have enough bass response for guitar (i always play on standard tuning and don't play too heavy stuff). Power ratings for B212D is 550 watts, and 220 watts for B210D. What are your volume levels on B212D's while playing with a full band? By the way, for the last five years i was gigging with 60 watt SS amp (Tech21 TM60) and it was loud enough for me in any gig... so i wonder if B210D would do it for me... I'll highly appreciate your comments.. thanks...
Clark Kent said:
I've got KRK Rokit 5s here at home and I do my mixed with them and they sure rock. I have a chance to try those cheapos so I'll give them a shot but if they suck then I must start saving up some cash for really good FRFRs. Well I used to have the Atomic Reactor and I didn't like that so... must see.

Hey there- just curious what you didnt like about the atomics?
I've been satisfied with FBT Verve 12ma. It's 400W bi-amped: 300W RMS LF amplifier + 100W RMS HF amplifier.

If you ever happen to be in Jyväskylä, I'll be happy to give you a demo.
eda123 said:
Hey there- just curious what you didnt like about the atomics?

Personal preferences... so this is not generic opinion. Atomics were not loud enough for me and they cost way too much to be that quiet. Just my opinion.
aaalp said:
I am also thinking about getting a Behringer wedge. I wonder if B210D would be loud enough. Since some friends mentioned lowering bass eq on B212Ds, i guess 10" speaker on B210D may have enough bass response for guitar (i always play on standard tuning and don't play too heavy stuff). Power ratings for B212D is 550 watts, and 220 watts for B210D. What are your volume levels on B212D's while playing with a full band? By the way, for the last five years i was gigging with 60 watt SS amp (Tech21 TM60) and it was loud enough for me in any gig... so i wonder if B210D would do it for me... I'll highly appreciate your comments.. thanks...

I haven't tried the B210's. My thought was that the 212 would have more clean headroom than the 210. Yes, for the band I PLAY WITH, I could get by with just one 212.
I suggest you buy a 210 somewhere that has a 30 day return policy and try it out. Then, give us your report.
I bought two of the 212's so I would always have one as a back-up at the gig. But, I have run them both (in mono, daisy-chained) and split them on stage so the keys and horns on the opposite end could hear me better. They adjusted my volume on the one at their end and it didn't effect the volume I needed at my end.
I run the volume and treble controls at 12:00 and the bass at around 7:00 to off, depending on the room. The Ultra's output is around 9:00. I also run another line out of the Ultra to the mains mixer for the FOH.
Like I said I've got the B210D. I also turn down the bass to about 9 o'clock and have the treble at noon. It's loud... placing affects the volume quite a bit and since it's so small you can place it just about anywhere. I've got it wedged on the floor so the sound goes up and I can get it way louder than I had my real guitar gear like Mesa heads through a 2x12 cab. I haven't been told to turn my guitar down before I got this.

Sound is OK. Much better than I expected. The tone comes out of a small 10kg box so ofcourse there's a blend of plastic in the tone but still I'd rather have this than a power amp + cab.
Clark Kent said:
eda123 said:
Hey there- just curious what you didnt like about the atomics?

Personal preferences... so this is not generic opinion. Atomics were not loud enough for me and they cost way too much to be that quiet. Just my opinion.

I whole heartedly agree, and I can't stand the way they look :(

I'll be trying out some of Yamaha's new offerings next week, will report! Trying the 12" and 15" cabs.
Hey, RMC Audio is selling the Rcf Art 310a for 400 shipped. They're very loud and sound great, I havent compared side by side but the word on the forum is they're on par with the QSC k series. Not as bass focused but actually more accurate. Good Luck
Clark Kent said:
Like I said I've got the B210D. I also turn down the bass to about 9 o'clock and have the treble at noon. It's loud... placing affects the volume quite a bit and since it's so small you can place it just about anywhere. I've got it wedged on the floor so the sound goes up and I can get it way louder than I had my real guitar gear like Mesa heads through a 2x12 cab. I haven't been told to turn my guitar down before I got this.

Sound is OK. Much better than I expected. The tone comes out of a small 10kg box so ofcourse there's a blend of plastic in the tone but still I'd rather have this than a power amp + cab.

dunkin said:
I haven't tried the B210's. My thought was that the 212 would have more clean headroom than the 210. Yes, for the band I PLAY WITH, I could get by with just one 212.
I suggest you buy a 210 somewhere that has a 30 day return policy and try it out. Then, give us your report.
I bought two of the 212's so I would always have one as a back-up at the gig. But, I have run them both (in mono, daisy-chained) and split them on stage so the keys and horns on the opposite end couldn hear me better. They adjusted my volume on the one at their end and it didn't effect the volume I needed at my end.
I run the volume and treble controls at 12:00 and the bass at around 7:00 to off, depending on the room. The Ultra's output is around 9:00. I also run another line out of the Ultra to the mains mixer for the FOH.

Thanks a lot for your input. My Axe FX Ultra probably will be delivered in three weeks. I'll go try/buy a single B210D. Since active wedges are crazy pricey in my country, at the price for a QSC K10, I can buy a 4X12, power amp and also hire a guy to carry that stuff for me. Even Behringer wedges are very expensive in comparison to US or European prices, they are more affordable for sure. Also despite what most people says, i had very good luck with Behringer gear to this date. Hope it won't change :) Thanks again. I'll report my feedback under this thread as soon as i get my hands on these stuff.
Anyone tried the B208d's ?

If you shop around you can find the old series B212A's used for bargain prices. The trick is, finding one that's not been trashed. Also, they are about 5 lbs heavier than the D series.
Ofcourse things will sound better with better monitors but IMO the difference is SO small when you use earplugs. When I'm playing my Axe by myself at lower volumes I'm using my KRK's. The monitor is there just so you can hear yourself and FOH is straight line signal no matter what. And I'm not taking the monitor on gigs since most gig placed already have monitors.
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