Wish Individually addressable L/R input output blocks


Fractal Fanatic
I know you can work around this somewhat by hard panning signals in the mixer but it’d be nice and much more flexible to have additional ‘mono’ blocks for Input 1L/1R/2L/2R/etc and Output 1L/1R/2L/2R/etc I am using my AxeFX III as an FX processor with multiple preamps and, in effect, I only have two stereo loops at my disposal (3+4; 1 and 2 are doing other I/O) but I actually need four mono loops for my rig.

The Axe has the I/O to do it, so it seems like this would just be a software only upgrade.
I know you can work around this somewhat by hard panning signals in the mixer but it’d be nice and much more flexible to have additional ‘mono’ blocks for Input 1L/1R/2L/2R/etc and Output 1L/1R/2L/2R/etc I am using my AxeFX III as an FX processor with multiple preamps and, in effect, I only have two stereo loops at my disposal (3+4; 1 and 2 are doing other I/O) but I actually need four mono loops for my rig.

The Axe has the I/O to do it, so it seems like this would just be a software only upgrade.
Actually, there a full workaround for this, with judicious use of balance and panning in various blocks. But fully-separable left and right would be more elegant.
Actually, there a full workaround for this, with judicious use of balance and panning in various blocks. But fully-separable left and right would be more elegant.
Yeah, exactly. I knew you could do that and it is a viable work around; but separated blocks would make presets so much more clear/maintainable.
Another vote for this.

It would effectively double the loops available. Since right now output 2 / input 2 (for example) can only be on the grid once.

So you lose a stereo pair for a mono pedal

Actually, there is a full workaround for this, with judicious use of balance and panning in various blocks. But fully-separable left and right would be more elegant.
+1 for this too!

Is there a thread explaining the recommended workaround? I've figured out how to split a stereo output into parallel dual mono, for example:
Out3 pan L -> ext mono delay -> In3 L
Out3 pan R -> ext mono reverb -> In3 R
(delay and reverb are applied together here)

But is there currently a way to connect them in series?
Out3 L -> ext mono delay -> In3 L -> some other internal fx blocks -> Out3 R -> ext mono reverb -> in3 R
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