Wish Indicate when preset is incompatible with FW version (rather than <EMPTY>)


Fractal Fanatic
Currently the front panel preset title displays <EMPTY> when a preset is saved (purposely or accidentally) under a given FW version and a user loads a prior incompatible FW version. The unit acts as if there is no preset saved in that slot. The risk is the user might not realize it and clobber it saving something else in that slot. (In the past I have done this.)

Wish: indicate the preset is there but inactive or not loaded due to FW incompatibility. Ideally also indicate FW version of saved preset.

For example the title could indicate it:
  • My Kitchen Sink (grey text)
  • <My Kitchen Sink>
And display a note in red at bottom: "FW XX.XX preset not loaded - incompatible with this firmware YY.YY"
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I am loading different firmware versions on my Fractal gear all of the time to stay in sync with various client's needs. I am backing up my presets a lot to make sure that I am covered if I accidentally load something on top of something important.

This would be very helpful!
Any kind of fairly obvious indication would be great. If it could be somehow linked to an option to prevent overwriting these 'marked' preset (or at least a warning?), even better
Good idea... Not sure if it's possible, but +1
I would expect the preset contains the version number of the firmware in use when it was saved. If it isn't in the preset, it should be :). Probably the only reason this error message wasn't implemented long ago is because the previous requests for it were made by me. I think that's the kiss of death for a wish :).
I would expect the preset contains the version number of the firmware in use when it was saved. If it isn't in the preset, it should be :). Probably the only reason this error message wasn't implemented long ago is because the previous requests for it were made by me. I think that's the kiss of death for a wish :).

Stop wishing for good stuff!
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