Independent L&R Send loops with the Axe FX II


New Member
Hey, I've got a pretty unique setup (one which I will be sharing with everyone shortly.)

For now, what I want to ask is this:

SITUATION: Let's assume I want to "split" the send/return loop on the AXE FX into independent right and left channels

Why? Because I have two tube amp heads (5150, JVM410H) that I currently use simultaneously for "my tone."

And, until I can dial in the sound of each of these in tone match or other, I want to be able to loop each of their preamps through the Axe FX II.

QUESTION: Can this be done so as to not mix either of the signals when processing through the Axe?

I'm attaching my idea here for you uber geeks to see...

Basically I would run a common mono in, split it into R and L chains in the Axe FX, including the send loop, and then output to two different power amps. It would be like 4CM - only ... 7CM! :) two different preamps, two different power amps. Isolated by separating the channels in the AXE.

What do you think?

(I know, I know. Why do this...? For now, indulge me... it's a stop-gap until I can dial in my tone on the AXE. But this would give me what I am doing now right away. And give me flexibility and time to tweak and drop out the other preamps . I'm currently using an HD500 and a G system, and doing almost the same thing. I use the HD500 to 4CM for the 5150, and feed one channel over to my G system - then 4CM from my G system to the Marshall. It sounds unbelievably rich when mixed. Complicated as hell to midi program, but it works nicely and sounds beautiful to mix my two favorite valve distortion sounds together.)


  • 2014-03-05 02.40.30 pm.jpg
    2014-03-05 02.40.30 pm.jpg
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That can be done. Use stereo for all in/out modes, except Input 1 which would be left only. If you've branched for different effects before each preamp, balance those rows L/R at FXL page 1. After FXL isolate the 2 sounds in separate rows w/ vol/pan blocks using input select parameter, or possibly just share stereo effects in one row. Reverb sums to mono at input so watch out for that. If you used 2 rows post-FXL balance them L/R at the layout mix page.
That can be done. Use stereo for all in/out modes, except Input 1 which would be left only. If you've branched for different effects before each preamp, balance those rows L/R at FXL page 1. After FXL isolate the 2 sounds in separate rows w/ vol/pan blocks using input select parameter, or possibly just share stereo effects in one row. Reverb sums to mono at input so watch out for that. If you used 2 rows post-FXL balance them L/R at the layout mix page.

When you say "balance those rows" do you mean balance the levels out, or right/left hard pan them?

And considering the II has a ton of CPU, and I don't do long strings of FX chains, what about two completely independent chains from start to finish? No shared fx? Even if I dup a few FX in each chain (2 chorus, 2 delay, 2 reverb) ?
Panning left or right.

That many effects is well within the limit, should be around 35-50% CPU usage.

Thanks - I'll post a "final" diagram when I get it complete.

Right now, I'm thinking that I will just use the JVM power amp on its own. The EVH doesn't have a master volume, and if you bypass the pre, you get full volume in the face. :)
Curious if you ever finished this preset? Wanting to run two external amps (EVH 5150iii + Engl E 670) through the FX loop. If so, would love to have a copy. Thanks!
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