Incorrect Dyna-Cab Version After Update


New Member
Good morning!

I’m new here as I just purchased an FM9. Got everything hooked up yesterday and immediately FM9 edit prompted me to update to FW8 using Fractal-Bot. On that same screen, a new version of dyna-cab was also available. I got FW8 installed and got the expected “incorrect dyna-cab version” message on my FM9. However, when I open Fractal-Bot, the new dyna-cab version is no longer available. I found the troubleshooting page online and downloaded the FM9 dyna-cab zip file and followed the instructions for sending to my FM9 using Fractal-Bot, but that didn’t fix the issue. I also found a newer version of dyna-cab but it’s for the AxeFXIII.

My FM9 seems to be functioning properly, but if there’s a newer version of dyna-cab that I can install to get this error resolved, I’d love some help!

Thanks in advance,
When in Fractalbot, hold down the control key on windows or the command key on Mac and click on the FM9 in the device drop down. Fractalbot will display the most recent firmware available on the server.

Follow the instructions and only download the DynaCab file.
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