In need of a gnarly metal bass tone for the studio


I have no issues making guitar patches very quickly with my axe 2 now for live and in the studio. However i am having a hard ine getting a bass tone that sits well in the mix. I recently watched this video
HTML: . Josh's bass tone on As I Lay Dying's new record "Awakened" is exactly what i am looking for. It seems in the video he is using an ampeg and a 6505 unison. HELP GUYS!!!!!!!
Hey man. Right off the bat I'm gonna say a lot of the tone is in that bass, they have a certain tonal quality to them that some other basses don't have. So keep that in mind.

Secondly, this isn't exactly what you want, but I think you'll be very pleased if you try this video.

PeteyG - Axe FX Ultra Tutorial - Hardcore Fuzz Bass Tone - YouTube

I know it's with an Ultra and I know it's got a lot of gain to it, but if you follow those principles and use less gain (almost none, really, maybe try a TINY bit to give it some girth and compliment the guitars) I think you'll be happy!
Josh used his Geddy Lee bass in stock form. .124 on the low end. Im waiting for him to get back to me about the amps and such, ill let you know when he does.

also why not just tonematch the bass in the intro of... damn like the 5th or 6th song....
Josh said:

"Sansamp RBI, clean ampeg, slightly overdriven ampeg, 6505, then clean DI.
5 channels total, haha"
Josh said:

"Sansamp RBI, clean ampeg, slightly overdriven ampeg, 6505, then clean DI.
5 channels total, haha"

wow that really intense haha. ill try my best. i would love to tone match the bass at the beggining of "Defender" but is has drums behind it so i dont think tone match will work out so well :/
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