In-ear monitor recommendations?


Hey gang,
I'm considering making the shift to in-ear monitors. Anyone here been using them? If so, any recommendations?
1964 Ears is pretty popular: you'd be hard pressed to find anyone speaking ill of them. The biggest (only?) criticism is probably that they take ~4 weeks from order to delivery.

I got a pair about a month ago and am another happy customer.
Check out JH Audio (Custom In-Ear Monitors | In Ear Monitor | JH Audio)....

They aren't the cheapest, and they take a while to make because they're customized to your ear size, but I'm hearing little details that I've never heard before even in music I've listened to for years. Also the isolation is incredible which means you don't have to crank up the in-ear volume on stage to hear yourself. Very highly recommended!
The Carvin transmitter/receivers work pretty well. Light on features but never an issue for me.

For the IEMs themselves I really like Ultimate Ears - I have custom molded UE7's and they rock. Our drummer has the same and loves his, our bassist uses Sensaphonic customs and likes those as well.

If you are going generic fit (about 1/3 the cost) the Westone UM2's are a great choice.
Yeah, I finally decided to go with 1964 ears as well, the V6 Stage model. I have my audiologist appointment tomorrow.
My old Shure's just died and I'm in the market now as well. I am an occasional user - mainly for a church worship team, but I'm only on about a 3 week rotation right now. I read this and the other threads and you guys certainly drop some change on IEM's! I can;t go more than $400 tops and I'm wondering how big the difference is in dual versus triple driver headphones. The Alien Ears CFR3 are aboput 400 and are triple driver, and the Ultimate Ears 4 are dual driver fore the same price. I also thought about picking up Westone UM Pro 30's for about 260 and then maybe doing the custom fit later. Any thoughts on those choices? Thanks!
Thx! I was checking them out today as well... What do you use for transmitter/receiver?

I've been using a MIPRO In Ear System for a few years, tons of gigs, never an issue, most other guys in the band use the SHURE PSM 900, the MIPRO system is much cheaper, but nothing wrong with the SHURE 900s..
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