

Fractal Fanatic
I use i Movie for quick and dirty slide show work. The automated Ken Burns effect saves countless hours.
I upgraded my Mac Pro trash can to OS 12 Monterey, which is as high as I can go with that machine and the software I use with it. But that machine cannot be connected to the internet - internal policy - so I can't update iMovie. I need 10.3.3 and I can't seem to find a place to download it.
I own the software and I don't pirate ever. The apparent impossibility to find the older version on line is driving me nuts.
Can anyone point me to a safe repository for this?
Thanks, I did see that. It requires that the computer be connected to the Internet which is a no-no for this machine. I can download it with another machine, but the App Store will only offer to download the version compatible with the machine connected.
Ya. You'll have to play games with Apple. You'd have to use a downgraded machine to get an older copy.
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