If you're not FRFR...

All - anyone else gigging in the NJ-NYC area with Matrix or CLR solutions that I can check out?

I'm playing Fontana's this Saturday. Here's the even page on Facebook. My current rig is with a CLR (even though I have a Matrix GT800FX on my rack). I also use In-Ears as well.

Here's my rig:

2013-10-08 16.06.41.jpg

Maybe we can both go and check out LVC's gig. It would be cool to get some AXE owners from the Tri-State together and just talk gear.

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To be clear, even though my first choice is the Friedman W/D/W configuration, I'm going all out to get the Axe/CLR config to where I want it to be. Hauling around a tube amp, plus the Axe/matrix, plus another cab and 3 microphones is just ridiculousness, so unless I go out on tour with Billy Idol, :) I'm not taking that rig out to gig with. So for me even though the real amp sounds the best to my ears, I'm dedicated to getting the Axe/CLR solution to work for me. The only thing I'll be selling in the near future is the RCF.

I am with you there... have you tried any of the FAS or OH IRs? That is another step I need to take. Don't get me wrong... the Axe + CLRs is *way* ahead of where I was, and it sounds great in the mix. The power and flexibility in a small footprint is amazing.
I posted this already, but IMO it's worth repeating. If you want to go FRFR You have to think of your sound as FOH or studio ISO. For best results, you need the rest of your band to be on the same page. Drummers that don't know how to tune, dampen, or play with dynamics (HULK SMASH!!!!), Bass players that are dialed in all low end, completely washing out with the Kick and Toms, and then keep turning it up to be heard, guitar players that scoop and also keep turning it up to be heard instead of adjusting their EQ.... so many like this, Yes it sounds great all by itself, but guess what? In a band you are not all by yourself. This also goes for you running that FRFR setup, you can't expect a tone match from a studio recording to replace your "in the room" tube amp tone, so you need to be mindful of that or your going to sound thin.

I've had troubles getting my band to understand this, but it has to do with the level you are on, as most local cover bands don't even really care what the mix sounds like, only how "they" sound when "they" stand in front of their amps on stage, not realizing the FOH is completely different, and is mixed for the band, not the individual. Sadly, It seems most get defensive on the subject and are not really willing to sacrifice for the benefit of the whole, and many times will even say "that's the sound guys's job." LOL

That said, it is however possible to dial in your FRFR to "sound" like a raw "in the room" cab, but it won't be pushing Air, or rumble like a 4x12 unless you use a 4x12, so IMO it's not worth it. There are options though and many members do use tube amps and cabs along with their FRFR with great results.

My conclusion though? (for my situation)
Selfishness. My CLR's now are planted firmly in front of me. I let the band have me in their monitors from my feed to the PA and they can adjust it however they want. This way I can fully enjoy my hard earned expensive toys and since they don't care enough about the quality of the sound to dial in for the mix, the shitty vocal monitors are good enough for them. The great thing is I know that my sound coming out the FOH is the same as what I am experiencing with my CLR's so it's very satisfying for me.
To be clear, even though my first choice is the Friedman W/D/W configuration, I'm going all out to get the Axe/CLR config to where I want it to be. Hauling around a tube amp, plus the Axe/matrix, plus another cab and 3 microphones is just ridiculousness, so unless I go out on tour with Billy Idol, :) I'm not taking that rig out to gig with. So for me even though the real amp sounds the best to my ears, I'm dedicated to getting the Axe/CLR solution to work for me. The only thing I'll be selling in the near future is the RCF.

Have you considered a third CLR for a W/D/W setup with the Axe?
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