IA programming


I have programmed the MFC, preset 001 active, to map 10 different IA effects from switch 6 to 15.. Thought that this adjustment in setup of MFC would be general for all presets (anyway that would also be a problem if I want different IA on different presets) ? Now that I want a general IA setting for all my preset the question is:

How do I copy the setup of the IA (instant access) to the next preset? Is the information kept in MFC or in AXE?
On the MFC press edit->copy-> and page over to Copy Preset> Copy Prst 001 to 002,ENTER will flash to copy. Repeat for 003, 004, ect ect. The info is stored in the MFC.
Hope that helps. There are more copy features and a section about it in the manual sections 10 and 12.3
MFC-101 Manual.
I'm in AXE mode cause I've not changed this and just tested in <Edit>/<Setup>. Think that IA is a part of Axe mode otherwise it would'nt be possible to do this at all.

It states that it's global but the 10 IA selected effects dos not lit up when changing from preset 1 (where I setup the IA's) to preset no. 2.
I have loaded the newest software in the MFC.. Hmm

Investegating futher here..... Thank's so far..
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Are all the effects from preset 1 present in preset2? They have to be present in the axe-fx layout window to show up on the mfc.
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