I just got my New Axe-FX Ultra Yesterday...


And it pretty much sounds wicked. Today I wanted to start editing my own patches, but I'm finding that I'm pretty much a complete retard and can't for the life of me figure out what the hell to do to even edit one of the presets. I'm actually pretty smart, but perhaps this thing's smarter?

1) How in the heck do you get out of edit mode? I'm finding when I hit this dreaded button I have to 'save' changes to get back to my starting point..

2) Is there any 'blank' spots to save/start my own patches, or do you just overwrite the presets?

3) lol It says it's easy and straightforward in the manual.... I don't know if I believe it yet...

I still love this thing, though.
Congrats! I remember how stoked I was when I first got mine over a year ago... because I'm still that stoked every time I fire it up.

1. Just hit the Recall button and you'll get back to the main Preset page where you can switch to other presets.
2. You have to overwrite presets, but don't worry, you'll be so happy with your own presets you won't miss the built-in presets anyway.
3. It takes a little time at first, but it really is pretty easy once you get the hang of the navigation. I've done all of my editing right from the Axe-FX panel, so I've gotten pretty quick about getting around and making the tweaks I want to make. Keep it simple at first and stick to the basic settings before you dig into too many of the advanced parameters.

Good Luck and Enjoy!
Well, makin' way more sense now. I've pretty successfully edited a few patches. lol I may not be a complete retard, time will tell. This thing is soooo awesome, though. I wish I had it years ago, I could have saved thousands...

"1. Just hit the Recall button and you'll get back to the main Preset page where you can switch to other presets."

Thanks, man. lol You have NO idea how helpful that little piece of info is... it's actually pretty easy nce you stop trying to impose how you THINK it should program, hahaha
Oh I have the manual, just sort of confusing...
Things are starting to make some sense now, though!
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