I Guess This Is the Current Shipping Situation


The AX8 is currently shipping to customers on waitlist. Sign up to receive your purchase invitation by emailing waitlist@fractalaudio.com with the subject "Wait List Request - AX8" - When your name comes to the top of the list you will receive your invitation. Please recognize that if you signed up after Oct 13th 2015 it will be well after the 2015 Holiday season when you receive your purchase invitation. (If you are looking to purchase a gift, the Axe-Fx II is in stock and ready to ship.) Thank you for your patience while we work to meet the incredible worldwide demand for this product.
The AX8 is currently shipping to customers on waitlist. Sign up to receive your purchase invitation by emailing waitlist@fractalaudio.com with the subject "Wait List Request - AX8" - When your name comes to the top of the list you will receive your invitation. Please recognize that if you signed up after Oct 13th 2015 it will be well after the 2015 Holiday season when you receive your purchase invitation. (If you are looking to purchase a gift, the Axe-Fx II is in stock and ready to ship.) Thank you for your patience while we work to meet the incredible worldwide demand for this product.
Great to hear. This obviously doesn't necessarily mean that everyone who signed up on the 13th will get an invitation this year, but at least they're not ruling it out.

Let's muddy the waters even more ! I signed up on 10/13/15 @ 9:25pm PDT. I wonder what that means for me .
Sorry...9:25 PM PDT is 12:25 AM EDT and technically 10/14...:(...........................................................:D
The AX8 is currently shipping to customers on waitlist. Sign up to receive your purchase invitation by emailing waitlist@fractalaudio.com with the subject "Wait List Request - AX8" - When your name comes to the top of the list you will receive your invitation. Please recognize that if you signed up after Oct 13th 2015 it will be well after the 2015 Holiday season when you receive your purchase invitation. (If you are looking to purchase a gift, the Axe-Fx II is in stock and ready to ship.) Thank you for your patience while we work to meet the incredible worldwide demand for this product.
How could that be? The waitlist opened up late on October 13th! I got my confirmation at 8:08 am October 14th. If I'm waiting MONTHS then that list must be just UNGODLY long. Can't imagine that many before me.
Eh this waitlist thing kind of blows. I don't really frequent this place since I play a competing device, but I've always wanted to get an axe as another tool. I think I've signed up every time for each new product, but by the time it comes up for me to buy I've lost interest. I frequent online jamming and I have heard one guy on there with one and it sounded really good. Anyways, guess we will see how it goes this time. Lots of good videos of this device. Excited now :) we will see how much interest I have in 6 months.:(
Eh this waitlist thing kind of blows. I don't really frequent this place since I play a competing device, but I've always wanted to get an axe as another tool. I think I've signed up every time for each new product, but by the time it comes up for me to buy I've lost interest. I frequent online jamming and I have heard one guy on there with one and it sounded really good. Anyways, guess we will see how it goes this time. Lots of good videos of this device. Excited now :) we will see how much interest I have in 6 months.:(
What online jam sites are there? I have never heard of this. Is there tons of latency?
I signed up first day around 9, thought I was golden to get one early, after all, I was only about 4 hours after the list opened. Who da thunk it??
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