I did my 1st trial with the Scumback M75


I spent some time experimenting with capturing IR's. I used the Scumback M75, one of my favorites using my TG2 preamp only and SM57 on 3 different placements and then I did 3 with my Royer 121 ribbon mic.
Since I usually use both I loaded the IR with the 57 on one cab block and the one with the Royer 121 on a second cab block. To my ears my IR's sounded better than the stock IR's and many that I have from OwnHammer and Red Wirez.
The sound was fuller and the low end was nice and tight. I was never crazy about IR's and rarely used them, but the ones I captured felt like 98% of what I'm really used to hearing coming out of my monitors when I'm recording guitars( I use Dynaudio BM6a, with the BM9S sub)
I took the experiment even further and ran my TG2 through my SSL X Rack loaded with 2 SSL eq's, 2 SSL compressors and 2 line input modules and plugged my 2 of my TG2 preamps (each TG2 has 2 preamps each)into the SSL input inserts and took the output of the SSL rack mix buss and plugged it into the Axe Fx so I can blend a total of 4 channels. I placed 4 SM57 on each speaker of a Marshall cab with 4 different models of Scumback speakers. To make sure the mic were all in phase I recorded my guitar just playing a staccato note, so I can zero in on the waveform of each mic and moved the mic's until they were perfectly align.
Once I checked that there was no phase issues I blended all the mic's so they were all at the same level. I adjusted my output going into the Axe Fx with the main mix buss output to the appropriate levels and captured an IR.
The result was even more impressive, especially when I blended the combo IR with one with the Royer 121 mic using a second cab block.
I also did some different ones using my API 2500 compressor and my SSL eq and compressors in my main buss inserts.
I'll post the IR's I made with the M75 and see if anyone likes them. I really like the way it sounds but I have my own taste as far guitar sound.
As soon as I can test them by reloading them into my Axe Fx to make sure they work, I'll post them.
Sorry about the long and boring explanation of my process!
Thanks! I really like the Ownhammer IRs of this speaker, so I'm looking forward to trying yours.
I'd love to try your IR, as this is the speaker I've been using, an M75/100W in a 1x12. Thanks!
I compared them to the ones I like and I like mine better. But what I think is a good guitar sound might be the worst sound for others. I'm using syntex Librarian for transferring file la between my Axe Fx 2 and my Mac and I'm using Axe o matic DSP to mix my IR's but for some reason it doesn't recognize the files that I transfer with the Syntex librarian. So I can' mix the ones I made, so I'm testing it to see if it will load to my Axe Fx before I post them.
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