I could use some amp suggestions…

Hello all,

I am mostly a fender style amp person, playing clean to edge of breakup. Currently, my go to preset is a carr rambler.

I am finding, as some do, that the fender style amps tend to lose a bit of definition in the low end. For me, I notice this most on the low e and a strings below the fifth fret.

Since I have something like 300 amp channels in my fractal, are there some other amps that have a nice, powerful clean sound that don’t tend to get too full sounding on the low end and can keep the articulation?

Thank you,
Typically with Fender Amps like the Double Verbs, you can remove the boominess and keep the articulation by adding a low cut between 100 and 150 Hz within the input EQ tab of the Amp block. That way you keep the purity of the amp's EQ controls, but you allow the amp to sit better in a mix.

Other great clean amps: CA3+ Clean, Shiver Clean
I am mostly a fender style amp person, playing clean to edge of breakup. Currently, my go to preset is a carr rambler.

I am finding, as some do, that the fender style amps tend to lose a bit of definition in the low end. For me, I notice this most on the low e and a strings below the fifth fret.

Since I have something like 300 amp channels in my fractal, are there some other amps that have a nice, powerful clean sound that don’t tend to get too full sounding on the low end and can keep the articulation?
Have you searched the Factory presets page? There are many different Fender amps modeled, and they all behave like the actual amps, so you can get super-clean sounds to full-bore lead depending on what you pick and that page will help you narrow your choices. If you want a sound that won't get flubby, check out models of the Twin Reverb or maybe something with 4x10 speakers which can have rock solid lows. Cross-reference the amps in the presets page with their information in the Amplifier models list and then look at the links to Yek's Amp guide for each model for recommended settings and cabs.

300 amp channels
Um, there are 299+ amp models. Each Amp block has four channels. Gotta keep the terminology straight. :)
Thank you all for the suggestions, I will give them a shout.
Also, by mentioning “channels” I was referring to the fact that the fm9 had multiple channels of the same amp; such as the bass man, lone star and the like that have both the clean channel and drive/bright channels available.
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