I blew it


New Member
Hey I’m needing some help. I accidentally cleared all of my factory presets and can’t get one of them back. I’m so bummed.
Download the zip file and extract them.
Next, to just audition them, do:
To audition them, go in AXE-EDIT (or FM9/3-EDIT) to Tools - Manage Presets.
In the Presets tab choose the Browser dropdown and select Open Directory....
Choose the folder which contains the factory-(or other) presets to audition, and press OK.
Activate the Auto-Audition button and select a preset from the left pane, or open the contextmenu on a single preset and select Audition.

(And to make it even more easy, use the navigation up/down buttons on the unit, or a Scenes layout, to audition all the scenes in the auditioned preset.)

View attachment 144280

or to store them, you can:
  • select one or more presets from the left pane (see the attachment in the quoted post),
  • drag that/them to the right pane in the desired preset location(s),
  • and hit Save.
blue arrested development GIF
I accidentally cleared all of my factory presets and can’t get one of them back.
Factory presets are always available for each of the units in Fractal's Support > Downloads > [your modeler] path …


You can use Fractal-Bot, either the standalone version or the embedded version in Edit, to restore banks A-C in one pass, or individually.

Additionally, you can open Tools > Manage Presets in Edit and either use the Browser (on the top left) to select and open a Bank file, or drag one of the Bank files to the left pane, then let Edit scan the file, then selectively drag presets to the preset slots, then Save them when you're finished.

I wipe out factory presets deliberately when testing things and those are the ways I restore them.
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