How to route piezo pickup separately but send to desk along with magnetics?

Set row 2's balance left in the mixer. You'll need to set the FXL balance (2nd page) left too unless you want piezo also going through the cab sim.
Set row 2's balance left in the mixer. You'll need to set the FXL balance (2nd page) left too unless you want piezo also going through the cab sim.
Awesome! Thought I had tried this already but I guess the Vol blocks I put in at the start of each row were messing things up. I discovered they weren't necessary and took them out. Many thanks, man! :)
The vol. blocks shouldn't have caused any issues but in this example they're not really needed. Maybe you'd want one on the mag. chain if the gate acts funny or you manually switch piezo off at the guitar. The gate detector would be getting a mag/piezo blend otherwise. If you remove them make sure mixer balance 3 is right or you'll blend dry mag signal w/ the amp tone.
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