How to route a separate (vocal) signal through the Axe-Fx?


I just got a Voco-Loco pedal (basically a vocal preamp with an effects loop) that I want to use with the loop of the Axe II. Like so:

Here's what I found in the Wiki on how to route it inside the Axe:

How to route a separate signal through the Axe-Fx

To route a separate device signal through the Axe-Fx and add effects to it, apart from the guitar signal:
Connect the external gear to Input 2 and Output 2.
Add a Feedback Send block to a separate row. Then a FXL block with effect blocks after it. Then a Send block.
This routing makes the Input 2 signal enter the grid (FXL) and get processed. The Send blocks then sends the signal back to Return, where it enters FXL again, this time to get sent to Out 2.

Problem is, I just can't get it to work. Does anyone perhaps have an Axe-Edit screen shot of how the routing should look, or an idea of a setting I might have missed?

In this case that Wiki example doesn't apply.

Use this (when connecting the device to rear input 1 right) :
Connecting a guitar - Axe-Fx II Wiki

or when using input 2:
just add a FXL block to the start of the grid, to make the signal enter the grid.
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Thanks guys, you got me pointed in the right direction. I also did a little more reading on exactly how the Feedback Send, Return and Effects Loop blocks are used; got a couple of miss-placed blocks straightened out, and turned up the levels in the Feedback Send/Return blocks and on the front panel.

I've actually got the Axe II simultaneously processing both my guitar and vocals. Sounds awesome!

Output 2 level knob on the front panel?

Thanks, lol. This wasn't the whole issue, but I sure hadn't thought to turn it up. Never overlook the obvious. :lol

In this case that Wiki example doesn't apply.

Use this (when connecting the device to rear input 1 right) :
Connecting a guitar - Axe-Fx II Wiki

or when using input 2:
just add a FXL block to the start of the grid, to make the signal enter the grid.

Sorry Yek, I wasn't clear, I do actually want to run my guitar along with the vocal processing. I didn't diagram the guitar because I was only trying to show how the Voco-Loco was hooked up.

Question, though - is the Wiki mistyped? It says to add a Feedback Send and later another Send. Shouldn't the first one mentioned actually be a Return?

Thanks again!
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