
Hello Guys!!!!
I think this is a question many my have asked, but I'm really not getting it.....
I use Logic 9, Axefx 2 and a GUITAR! LOL
Would anyone be so kind to give me hand on reamping during mixing.

Rock on!!!!!
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If the axe can be programmed to reamp while hearing the mix that would be absolutely incredible.
I would have EVERYTHING I want in that box.
Hello Guys!!!!
I think this is a question many my have asked, but I'm really not getting it.....
I use Logic 9, Axefx 2 and a GUITAR! LOL
Would anyone be so kind to give me hand on reamping during mixing.

Rock on!!!!!
If I'm not mistaken, at the present time, you cannot technically "reamp in the mix"... something having to do with the Input/Output of the Axe-fx II being 4-in/4-out... Cliff mentioned that he is working on making it 4-in/4-out... I've tried re-amping in the mix while using the Axe-fx II as my main output device... but I couldn't get the guitar tracks to be "fully controlled" by my DAW (Sonar 8.5)... example: even muting the guitar track didn't mute the Axe-fx II's input... couldn't pan in the Daw without hearing two tracks....

From what I recall using ASIO4ALL kind of solves this... but you have to use a separate audio interface for output to be able to re-amp in the mix.

Of course... I could be mistaken in all of this... :D
Not sure what all the hullabaloo is about. I've been reamping in the mix with my Ultra since I got it a year ago. Until Cliff fixes the Axe II USB issue, you just have to reamp using the analog ins/outs like I do with the Ultra.
I believe that it isn't possible with only the "Magical Black Box", I already re-amped using a Fireface in combo. I was hoping to do reamp with one interface.
Sheky, the problem is on usb and not the re-amping of the axe. With the ultra you will always need a A/D converter to go in to PC/MAC.

ROCK ON!!!!!
I believe that it isn't possible with only the "Magical Black Box", I already re-amped using a Fireface in combo. I was hoping to do reamp with one interface.
Sheky, the problem is on usb and not the re-amping of the axe. With the ultra you will always need a A/D converter to go in to PC/MAC.

ROCK ON!!!!!
One interface would be neat. I mean literally neat, all those connections are cumbersome. I never worried about the extra a/d conversion, I could never tell the difference.
you have to consider that although reamping generally means 'record the dry, monitor the wet, record the wet later', there are a few possible approaches

you do not need a USB connection to reamp

how you go about it [reamping and monitoring] depends upon the capabilities of your audio interface

to avoid hearing any latency, I'd encourage monitoring outside of the DAW via your audio interface or mixer
there are lots of permutations as to how you cable and route the various audio signals

if all y'all fancy making this into a general "how to reamp" thread, how's about we detail our various configs...
I'll bet this could end up a bit of a reamping info gold mine that could describe solutions, address and solve issues etc..
and there would be folk that could get a lot out of this....

so for those of you that are up for it.... how's about we show and tell....
I am using a focusrite and the Axe-II with the focusrite as my audio reference and I enable monitoring on the resulting reamp track.

Works for me.

Sorry for the "necro-bump" but I am boarder-line desperate to get this working here. I recently got a Focusrite 18i8 and I would like to get where I can reamp "in the mix". Basically I hear the rest of the recorded tracks while reamping so I can more accurately dial in my tones.

Thanks for any help guys!
You should be able to record the dry signal (axe channels 3/4), set that recorded track to playback (turn off recording), assign it to one of the audio channels of the Axe Fx, set axe II input to usb (so as to process this raw signal) and use the Focusrite to monitor your other signals.

My fireface is set so that analog Ch 1 & 2 are the control room, to monitor mixes, whereas I have the analog 3&4 and digital ins from the Axe II to monitor guitar (they sound pretty identical to me..) I send the Fireface soundcard channels to a yamaha MG06X mixer for this, routed to some Tannoys. There are a lot of possible routings, but this is my simple setup.

When I'm done reamping I switch the Axe II input back to analog in, and if you want you can then use those two channels in your Axe II as an additional pair of outputs, if maybe you have another set of monitors (maybe to isolate the guitar - test a possible live scenario).
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I run my guitar analog input through my focusrite 18i20... I then run SPDIF to/from focusrite to the Axefx. In normal running, I route the analog input directly to the SPDIF output on the focusrite. When I reamp, I exchange the analog input with a DAW output. I obviously record the analog input for reamping purposes.
I have to say the focusrite flexibility really works well in this scenario and it's a kinda zero invasion approach...
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