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How to get this lead sound?


Power User
What are people doing (or does anyone have a preset) for getting a "Live at the Fillmore" Duane/Dickey classic Les Paul lead sound? Seems that all the Marshalls are giving me a (for lack of a better description) high end "crispiness" when I want smooth and fluid. I'm looking for Duane/Dickey/Clapton (Beano and Cream)/Haynes lead tones. Any suggestions?
What are people doing (or does anyone have a preset) for getting a "Live at the Fillmore" Duane/Dickey classic Les Paul lead sound? Seems that all the Marshalls are giving me a (for lack of a better description) high end "crispiness" when I want smooth and fluid. I'm looking for Duane/Dickey/Clapton (Beano and Cream)/Haynes lead tones. Any suggestions?

Plexi 50w High, Dynamic Presence -9 (or-10), reduce Bright Cap value and adjust XFMR Match until less crispy.
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