How To Get These Lance Keltner Tones

I would like to be able to get both his clean and higher gain tones. He's obviously Hendrix-inspired. I think the Axe FX definitely can do it, but.... :( I just am not experienced or knowledgeable enough to zero in on it. There are a lot of medium gain amp sims and drive settings to combine and try. Some of the tone is the fact that he's playing with his fingers (which have a different friction than a pick), part is the breaking up of the amp, and part is the fuzz drive. I think if you can approximate the cleaner part it may help, but the main question I have is which drive (AKA PI, RAT, HARD...) will do this kind of thing best (or does most of it happen in the amp sim), and what knobs are most likely to effect the softness of the hair?
Hi Lance -

Welcome to the community - I'm looking forward to your participation.

Today you "share" presets by attaching them to a post.

In the near future, Axe-Edit will allow you to upload presets to a global database.

My hope is that the database will be somehow moderated - or at least a mechanism for easily sorting the wheat from the chaff. There was a lot of chaff in the last database.
That sounds great!
I will share some presets in a few weeks.

I actually got to play the Dumble and Trainwreck style models yesterday and have to say that they were both very impressive.
Lance, we may both get our new AxeFX II's around the same time. I'm really looking forward to hearing your tone and touch through it, and seeing how you approach your presets.

Welcome to the forum!

Hey Guys,
New member here.
I am going to have my AxeFx2 in the near future and will do some programming to address the question.

There is a way to share presets right?

Looking forward to participating in the forum.

With Axe-edit it's very easy to share and tryout patches.
Love the interface too. You should go a head and download it and get used to editing. It will help when your Axe-Fx II arrives.
And welcome to the forums. :)
Beautiful tones. I'm very interested to know how your current setup, Lance, will be improved or bolstered with the FX2?

Many thanks in advance.

Welcome Lance

To the OP:
Lets not forget besides being a real good player, he also uses his fingers. That has much to do with the tone. Love the tone and sound he gets-What a great guy to have here on the forum-looking forward to this
Beautiful tones. I'm very interested to know how your current setup, Lance, will be improved or bolstered with the FX2?

Many thanks in advance.


I am excited about the AXE in my rig.
For what I do its going to be an amazing addition.

I have our new Retro Channel tube pre, the AXE, our Retro Channel power amp, a few pedals and a Eventide 7600... its lovely... Will post videos this week...

And again, thanks for the kind welcome guys.
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