How to get chg-chg-chg sound?

It seems this amplifier accentuate that sound. Maybe I'm wrong. The sound is a little different here.

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I had a thick, super polished stone pick, back in the late 70’s - mid 80’s. I don’t recall the name, but it would chirp all day long. Lol
As someone already said, that sound reminds me the second riff of Dirty Women by Black live for the Never say die tour, here at 0:36 first

I don't know, maybe using a really hard pick could do that, maybe on super light strings
Lots of gain and a amp that compresses will get you there. IMO, this sound is almost always there when you play a certain way (pick angled at, say, 45º), but with gain and compression, you can bring it out even more.
I can get some of that sound playing very aggressively with a thick beveled pick. Like a Gravity 3.5mm pick. To do it that way you almost have to give the pick enough time and angle to act like a small slide at the point of attack on the string. Doing that it gives that little chirp on the notes. It’s actually why I don’t use my Gravity pick much
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