How to deal with toppy PA wedges...


I started rehearsals for a new gig today and, due to a rig snafu, ended up having to use a PA wedge to monitor my Axe FX. My main patch was built around the Dirty Shirley model, tonestack flat, input gain at 6, all other settings default, bright switch off. The cab block was F55 4x12 Pre-Rola 75 M160, lo cut 80hz, hi cut 8000hz. On my setup at home, either through my Matrix Q12 or studio speakers it sounds like a warm, fat plexi-type drive but through the wedge it sounded pretty thin and lacking in depth. I know about Fletcher-Munson which is why I left the tonestack flat so that I could tweak the EQ at volume but I figured it should at least sound generally balanced at those settings so I could tweak from there.

So... Is the problem the wedge being hyped in the highs? We do have a couple of Q12a's coming and eventually we'll be on IEM's plus the Q12's so I don't know if it's worth trying to tweak now or wait until they arrive. Is it me, or the wedges?
g'day pit monkey,

I'd suggest it's the wedge - sounds good in your quality listening environments so it has to be :)
Either wait for the new monitors, or stick an eq block before the wedge output and do the best you can there.
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