How to deal with sound engineers to have the Fractal Fm3 sound perfect in a Live setup : Distorted/Solo Patches drowning in the mix ( worst case )

I'm using a volume pedal and in the solo patch layout the volume block is at the beginning on the chain between the input and before the amp block.

That boosts distortion rather than volume. Slide that block over after the amp and see if it works better....

Are you using the filter block in combination with a volume pedal ? I mean aside from the boost to also be able to go to 0 to max volume.
And also on the filter block are you boosting the gain or the level ? and are you controlling it with a switch or an expression pedal ?

Might be better to have a separate button activate boost and keep the volume pedal controller for just the volume function. A VolPan block has both the volume knob and a separate Output Level. This can be leveraged to give full volume control AND a volume boost on either a separate pedal, a control switch, channel-switched via Scenes, or switched by a Scene Controller. Each way has advantages and disadvantages.

Here's what I do:

Notice the position of the VolPan in the chain, and the yellow dot on the Level control - that bumps my sound from -3dB to 0dB, so rhythm work is quieter than solos. :)

It is, in this case, tied to the #2 controller pedal, and set to rise from -3dB to 0dB in the first 1/3 of the pedal's travel, since the pedal gives me 3 zones (it controls other things also attached to that pedal's position):
  1. Rhythm (at heel down)
  2. Solo Dry (middle 1/3 of pedal range)
  3. Solo Wet (toe down)
The Stones play stadiums. Stadiums don't support stereo. Some auditoriums do, though.
I also only sent stereo signals for a very long time. Many technicians then asked me to send a mono signal.
Since we have been using a separate IN EAR mix (Midas M32, four DP48, analog split) for some time now, the mixer receives two signal paths from me. The stereo signal for the IN EAR (In Ear is of course stereo, an absolute must for spatial hearing) and a SUM L/R directly into the stagebox. I leave everything else to the FOH technician. He now has the choice. That's not my business.
In the past, mono was often a must due to the limited channels. But now that everyone is using DiGiCoS31 consoles here, the issue is over.
But many still only use the mono signal. 🙂
I don't send a stereo signal to the FOH. In my opinion, that makes no sense. Even the Rolling Stones only play in mono.
What good is the best ping-pong delay if only a few people in the middle of the venue can hear it?
It really depends on the music. Keith Richard’s style isn’t going to benefit in any way from stereo.

Stereo really depends on whether the sound system is properly setup. While @Rex makes a good point I have been at stadium shows that had incredible stereo (or more) separation and cohesion for the largest part of the audience. Pink Floyd circa late 80’s and 90’s comes to mind. U2 with a crazy nice Clair Bros. Setup was great. Again late 80’s.

I should add that I can get a decent stereo setup going in a smaller place too.
It really depends on the music. Keith Richard’s style isn’t going to benefit in any way from stereo.

Yup. Not a bit.

Stereo really depends on whether the sound system is properly setup. While @Rex makes a good point I have been at stadium shows that had incredible stereo (or more) separation and cohesion for the largest part of the audience. Pink Floyd circa late 80’s and 90’s comes to mind. U2 with a crazy nice Clair Bros. Setup was great. Again late 80’s.

Saw Floyd at Sun Devil Stadium, in stereo. Fantastic show!

I wonder if a version of the CenterPointStereo SpaceStation Mid+Side thing could help with stereo in PA systems....
I wonder if a version of the CenterPointStereo SpaceStation Mid+Side thing could help with stereo in PA systems....
I have to admit I was not familiar with this system. I was just checking it out and reading what it does. It seems interesting. Would like to hear it in person. As far as adopting the idea for larger situations, not sure what to say about that. I see they’re associated with or are Aspen Pittman.

Time alignment is critical in large spaces and smaller too if there are differences in placement of left and right. Not overdoing it is always safer.
I have to admit I was not familiar with this system. I was just checking it out and reading what it does. It seems interesting. Would like to hear it in person. As far as adopting the idea for larger situations, not sure what to say about that. I see they’re associated with or are Aspen Pittman.

Yes. His daughter personally called me on my contact message asking where I could find one near Phoenix. Turns out, Flagstaff. Went home with it in the MINI's boot, down 89A through Oak Creek and Sedona.

Time alignment is critical in large spaces and smaller too if there are differences in placement of left and right. Not overdoing it is always safer.

One thing that I notice, and their ad copy mentions, is that it sounds 'stereo' throughout the space. Stereo is quoted, as it is not a pure left-right stereo, but has some front-rear size and placement as well, with longer delays that ping-pong trading a little left-right width for a little front-rear depth. Short delay stereo stuff like chorus and reverb sound amazing, as does rotary....
One thing that I notice, and their ad copy mentions, is that it sounds 'stereo' throughout the space. Stereo is quoted, as it is not a pure left-right stereo, but has some front-rear size and placement as well, with longer delays that ping-pong trading a little left-right width for a little front-rear depth. Short delay stereo stuff like chorus and reverb sound amazing, as does rotary....
That’s cool you have experience with it. I got into reading more about it after I wrote my comment. Watched the video on the site. I wouldn’t mind checking it out personally. Although they are not inexpensive. Did you get the V.3 or the XL.

I also found out that Aspen had passed.🙁 Man Covid really made be lose track of things and people I was interested in prior. When I was building amps and learning everything about tubes, etc. Aspen Pittman’s book was a first read.
I don't send a stereo signal to the FOH. In my opinion, that makes no sense. Even the Rolling Stones only play in mono.
What good is the best ping-pong delay if only a few people in the middle of the venue can hear it?
We usually supply and run our own sound so stereo is a non issue. Occasionally a house sound tech will ask me for a mono signal and as we know thats easy to supply. We are on ears so I do prefer to send my mix a stereo signal.
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