How to connect a real guitar amp to FM9 as a stomp box - NOT 4CM


I love the amp models in the FM9, but I also have real amps I love. Here is how I use the amps without having a speaker cab. Instead of 4CM using the amp FX loop, I use a load box and treat the amp as a stomp box. Then I can use any Cab IR I like. It's important to set the amp's volume and the load box line out volume so that the amp signal to the FM9 (In 3) is at a good level (not clipping, not too low). The load box protects the amp and the FM9. Make sure it's connected properly!
FM9 Connection to Amp.jpg
This is 4CM. the only difference is that you're using a load box.
4CM generally presumes the use of the FX loop, with the power amp of the guitar amp driving a speaker. This is a different mindset, particularly with the ability to put effects after the power amp output. It also avoids all the issues associated with the loops of many guitar amps, or the lack of loop in some guitar amps.
I do the exact same setup with my JMP, since it doesn't have an FX loop. We're in good company, too. EVH also used the same setup (except he sent the line out straight to a power amp.)
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