How to combine Digitech Freqout with Expression Pedal in AXEFX?


I'm not the effect experienced guy, but I bought a Digitech Freqout and I would like to combine it with an expression pedal of the AXEFXIII.
To link it via Input/Output ports of AXEFX is no issue but how to use the expression pedal as a kind of switch to mix the guitar signal not or more or less with the Freqout - have you any idea which kind of layout in AXEFX I need to use?
I use my Freqout in Ax3 Loop4 (Mono Unity). The Freqout is set up to be always on @ 5th with gain hi and onset about 1/2 way as depicted below (Momentary Switch = Off). I have "Dry" = On but in this config it can also be off (doesn't seem to make much difference). In Ax3, I set up loop4/Freqout to take input from near beginning of chain, and then use a mixer to inject a very small amount of Freqout signal from input4 on line1 into my main chain on line2 (see AE pic below). A little dab'l do ya as shown in the modifier pic below where I am only injecting up to a maximum of 5% of loop4/Freqout signal at a very slow attack and fast release. The fast release is needed since the longer you hold a Freqout sustain with the expression pedal, the more risk there is of the sustaining tone going wonky - you can kinda feel the wonkiness coming so the fast release lets you get out of the sustain fast enough to keep it sounding cool (see sound sample attached - sorry for the nasty playing / tone but it'll give you the idea - I'm working the expression pedal as I play, and sometimes adding some floyd action during the Freqout sustained parts).


It really works like I hopped.I just changed the Attack to 0ms, Max to 100% and Freqout Gain to 10 o'clock and Nat Hi.


Thanks again! What a fun!
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