How Should The IN1 Gain Level Be Set (Under "Set Up-I/O)?

FWIW, "Scenes" never confused me. Made complete sense to me. All other proposed options would've confused me coming into the Fractal world.
Nobody is saying it is good to be vague. I'm just saying it's the lesser of two evils in this specific case. Trust me, I'm speaking from experience gained from making my share of uif mistakes with software designed for musicians :).

I'm also not saying I find it to be a problem personally. I'm just observing the fact that a lot of people do, as evidenced by the large number of posts on the forum where people express confusion. You can argue with all those people and tell them they should not have been confused. Or you can ask yourself "can it be improved?".
"Back in my day", I spent endless hours reading human-interface books for our various pieces of software, probably because graphical interfaces were still pretty new, "nascent" as they say. Xerox Parc seemed to have started it all and it took years of studies to get to some guidelines based on how our minds work.

My boss at the time was a big proponent of Don Norman's books and loved to point out how the simple interfaces in our everyday lives were effortless to understand. I tried to keep that in mind as we'd design interfaces for the users of our software, to the point of putting together our own, smaller, room based on what Apple was doing. And, I remember having pointed out to the team that one particular section needed a lot of work but they insisted, and after they presented the software to users for testing over a three day period, they dragged themselves down the hall with their heads down and muttered: "We need to change that."

It takes a lot of hard work to make something easy to understand.
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