How many amp models do you tend to use?

Every so often I go tone chasing and I always end up either on the Friedman Dirty Shirley or BE models for 85% of what I actually use anyway and usually the AC-20 for the rest.
I use all and none at the same time!
What I mean is that if you skip fast from one amp to the other you can find a tone that is good for that song or that track.
But to USE an amp in the Axe world to me is something like a long honeymoon tweacking all the parametres and discovering the interaction between them, with different IRs, and with different setting of the fxs (and sometime with some real pedal in front of the Axe).
When I'm in this condition i can stay with one amp for a month+ diggin all the tones the beast can spit out!
Well... actually... I have in my mind 5 macro-categories of amps: cleans; mid-crunch/blues; old-fashion rock; '80 big air-hard rock; high-gain
all the above refer to each category of amp.
I only use 3 models. 5 basic sounds. Clean, gritty, crunch, distorted, lotso gain. Personally I think using tons of amps especially in one set has a very disconnected feel regardless if its original or cover music.
Mainly 4 for gigging (Vibroverb-clean, Maz 38-dirty clean, Marshall Silver- Crunch, Soldano SLO- High gain lead). I also have a null filter on the first 3 so I can boost any of them for a lead tone, as well as a Lovepedal Eternity on the Dr Z for a classic rock lead sound. It's pretty straight forward with the MFC controlling it.

I do some fun stuff at home with my Mesa Nomad 4x10 and an Analogman King of Tone pedal, which I am going to take a shot at replicating on my Axe FX. There's no KoT pedal there, but I should be able to come close with two drive pedals in series... which is essentially what the KoT is. Awesome pedal, if you haven't tried it.

That's for live stuff. I play with bunches of presets at home. The versatility and quality of sound is amazing sometimes. A used-to-death word these days, but fits accuarely here.
I tend to center around the Marshall Styles.

That being said, I usually find a song I want to play, and grab an amp that fits that song. So I would say I circle 30 amps. I find new one(s) about once a week...the Carol Ann's have me a bit spellbound ATM...oh, and I've hit a groove on the AC30...LOVE that thing...oh, and the jumped plexi 100 is the bees knees and to me the most dynamic of all the amps I play...clean to mean with a flick of the pick. Wait, the Fender dlx is awesome too...oh, I give up, I have an ADD ear and have to change it up constantly, this is why I own an Axe FX.

I haven't bonded with the Mesa's yet (my ear just doesn't fit them somehow)...although I very much like the sound of the IIc+

I usually turn to about 30 or 40 main ones. One that has always eluded me is the Leggy. I enjoy working with a new amp model on a regular basis, and develop fondnesses, like for certain groupies. Just kidding. Its really fun and worthwhile to have these amp models.Got acquainted with Deizel and Energy Ball last week.

Its the IRs that I find myself running from. Less so with Quantum though. In fact, I'm finding I can plant the main tone controls on the amp models higher than I used to. I'm just not used to going through the process of "grooming" all the IRs. Its like I'm missing the IR Rosetta stone.

But with IRs I am familiar with, I can enjoy them with many, many amps, and love the inspiration of working out with a new favourite.
Really loving the Friedman BE this weekend.
Getting great single coil and humbucker tones, and very responsive to the guitar knobs, cleaning up nicely!
Clean, crunch and high gain.. Might have found my winner :D
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