How do you get yourself to stop tweaking sounds and just play?

Thanks all, it's interesting to hear other peoples' experiences with it! I actually do enjoy just messing around with all of the options, I just don't want it to be all I do when I have some time to play.

I used to be a lot more serious about music, years of lessons, played out in a band for a while, but most of that got put aside and it's been in the last few years that I've really been trying to get back into it. I've been playing with some friends from work lately but we're all in the same boat so it's not very consistent! At this point I just want to keep my skills up enough to be able to have fun with it.

I think I'll try to just pick a few presets and stick with them - no tweaking! - while I'm trying to learn new stuff. I actually tried the "don't even look at the axe" idea last night and it helped ;)
When the video of my workshop from the Axe-Fest West comes out... watch it. I address this topic specifically.
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