How do I use multiple (AxeFX and recording interface) ASIO drivers in SonarX1?

I'm finding the need to use my M-Audio ProMix interface/ console SPDIF connections and ASIO drivers for external clock syncing of the AxeFX2 to record in Sonar X1. I'd like to be able to use the USB drivers as well for dry track reamping. . Using the USB drivers alone, there is a 'pop' and garbled recording, assumed to be related to a lack of external clock sync from the AxeFX2 (my M-Audio drivers are not available when I select the AxeFX2 USB drivers). Is there anyway to get both USB and M-Audio ASIO drivers available in Sonar X1 to resolve my clock issues and be able to record using the USB inputs at the same time? I've read about ASIO4ALL but was hoping there may be other solutions. I'm using Windows 7. Thanks.
I dont think Sonar X1 supports more than one interface at one time. You could just switch to the Axe FX for reamping when you need to,

I hope I'm wrong and will check myself and Its about time that cakewalk made this feature available if they want to compete with the big boys.

You can open sonar then go to file and click on preferences find audio drivers and see if you can add the drivers for the AXE FX ;)
I wonder what the possibility of getting some nice mixing software to work with the axefx such as the the way the rme stuff has that totalmix stuff. It came in really handy for routing/live stuff. Imagine being able to make your axe fx your iem mixer!
You will have to use ASIO4ALL to get any two interfaces to work work together in SONAR X1 in a Windows environment.

Thought it does work, it's a crap shoot in my case it works, but increases the latency a fair amount. So I don't use it others have better luck.

The solution is simple for me, If working with guitar I'm using the AF II for my interface and if something else like vocals I just switch to the PreSonus Firebox in my case (changing in software takes seconds's) and attach the monitor speakers to that interface.

I dont think Sonar X1 supports more than one interface at one time. You could just switch to the Axe FX for reamping when you need to,

I hope I'm wrong and will check myself and Its about time that cakewalk made this feature available if they want to compete with the big boys.

You can open sonar then go to file and click on preferences find audio drivers and see if you can add the drivers for the AXE FX ;)

The one interface limitation is an ASIO limitation, not a Cakewalk limitation.
Thanks for the input on the topic. Yes, both sets of ASIO drivers are available in Sonar X1 (each greyed out when the other is selected) and it would mean reslecting which drivers to activate to go between the AxeFX and the M-Audio for my other tracks. It gets a little messy when tracks and busses lose their assignments when you switch drivers but I guess if this is an ASIO 'thing', that would be my best solution to avoid the added latency and 'no guarantees' of ASIO4ALL. I would settle for the inconvenience if only I could get the clock from the AxeFX properly into Sonar to record with the USB drivers. I don't see any menu in Sonar to select an 'external' clock source, only selection of sample rate which I have set to 48Khz. My M-Audio mixer can lock rate to the AxeFX when I send SPDIF signal from the Axe to it, but this doesn't help me if I can't have the M-Audio drivers active in Sonar at the same time. When trying to record in Sonar with the USB drivers, I get a 'pop' and stuttering with garbled audio at best. That seems like 'clock' sync to me. Is the clock signal from the AxeFX sent over USB or do I have to slave the Axe somehow from the computer? My M-Audio mixer is my only interface to my computer that has wordclock and SPDIF ins and outs.
That seems like 'clock' sync to me. Is the clock signal from the AxeFX sent over USB or do I have to slave the Axe somehow from the computer? My M-Audio mixer is my only interface to my computer that has wordclock and SPDIF ins and outs.

You already know this, but for the record, Sonar derives its wordclock from Edit->Preferences->Audio->Driver Settings->Record Timing master->(selected interface). Also, "default settings for new projects", sampling rate needs to be 48k to match the AXEFX.

There's no way to sync samplerates via USB that I know of. Even if you can aggregate interfaces using ASIO4ALL or some other driver, you still need your wordclock synced or you'll get what you're seeing. However, you should be able to use SPDIF or AES to sync things up (keeping in mind things will get out of kilter if you set the m-audio to something other than 48khz).

(edit to add: I use a firewire-based interface, and although RME allows folks to 'stack' multiple FF800's, any kind of multi-unit config still requires wordclock cables to keep things synced up despite being able to stack units using a single firewire interface on the computer. So the requirement for external word clock sync extends to other communication methods betsides USB).
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Thanks Steck for clarification and confirming my feared suspicions - I guess I will record AxeFXII tracks through the SPDIF connection in my M-Audio interface with that driver selected as the 'timing' master in Sonar. Have not had any issues doing it that way, and will save the 'USB' dry reamp dream for future ASIO science. I've been suggested on other threads some ways to use analog outs to record dry and wet tracks simultaneously.
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