How about an Axe-Fx for Dummies In depth DVD?

Would you like to see a DVD tutorial?

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Seriously, Some of(read practically all) of you guys absolutely boggle me with the stuff that you talk about because its so over my head. It kills me because Im a pretty smart guy( BS Biochemistry, MS Biochem/Molecular Bio and an MD, all from an Ivy league school) but Im so Tech Challenged when it comes to this stuff. So far, Im dealing with a big intimidation factor...

A DVD that could walk you through Amp & Cab Modelling Sims along with all the other options as well as one for FX and combining them would be priceless. Forrest Gump comes to mind (Momma had a way of explaining things so I could understand the-um!!) It would probably end up being a time consuming afair but I think the benefits would far outweigh the hassles...

Ive been told that the unit is fairly intuitive but not enough for me. I dont own it yet but I want to and Im a bit afraid that my lack of savvy will cause me to give up short of realizing the beauty and wonder that lies within...

so please Cliff et al, Consider this because in my opinion, it opens the doors for the Axe-Fx to a much bigger user group as well as possibly eliminating an assload of Emails from Users like myself going WTF?!?!?!?


Dropping a "yes" vote your way since I remember what it was like when I knew relatively nothing about the unit. It's much better once you've had it in your hands for a week (for a day even), but prior to actual ownership, there are definitely some things that are difficult to understand solely through text. I've often thought about simply making videos of each section of the manual since, really, it already explains roughly 90% of the things people want to know about. Haven't done so yet, since I have no practical tools to use to film it.
I would love a dvd for advanced fx stuff, but for the amp and cab stuff, (in the beginning while you are trying to get a grip on it) the drive>EQ>amp>cab>EQ (not necessarily in this order or using all of the blocks I have shown, sometimes just an amp and cab work great) stuff is really fairly basic if you want it to be (just ignore the advanced stuff in the beginning). You can get some great stuff with just these tool right here.

The tough stuff comes when you get into the effects, because there are a lot of parameters that don't seem traditional to me. If, for example, you want a phaser like a MXR, well good luck trying to figure out how to get there from scratch. I have found going through the presets and finding an example of effect that is close, copying it to where I want it, then fine tuning from there.

I guess my point to this rambling is just stay basic in the beginning, tweak what you understand in a "normal" amp setup.

and btw I am not a tech guy and after a short time the unit really does start to be fairly easy to tweak... except for the FX which I am getting better at.
How about opening a thread or even a sub-forum called "Request tutorial video" where users can state what they want to get explained and (hopefully) another user then creates a little Youtube-video explaining the issue. To give an example, Marten has done a fine job explaining the editor on Youtube. More videos of that kind could be a valuable ressource for beginners. Going the Youtube-way would also allow for discussing individual problems, etc directly via the comment function.

To sum it up, Youtube-vids are:
+ Free,
+ interactive,
+ can be taylor-made to specific problems,
+ little to no cost involved for production, distribution, buying
- production values probably not as high as a fully-fledged DVD said:
How about opening a thread or even a sub-forum called "Request tutorial video" where users can state what they want to get explained and (hopefully) another user then creates a little Youtube-video explaining the issue. To give an example, Marten has done a fine job explaining the editor on Youtube. More videos of that kind could be a valuable ressource for beginners. Going the Youtube-way would also allow for discussing individual problems, etc directly via the comment function.

To sum it up, Youtube-vids are:
+ Free,
+ interactive,
+ can be taylor-made to specific problems,
+ little to no cost involved for production, distribution, buying
- production values probably not as high as a fully-fledged DVD

man, that's a great idea. Let's do that. said:
How about opening a thread or even a sub-forum called "Request tutorial video" where users can state what they want to get explained and (hopefully) another user then creates a little Youtube-video explaining the issue. To give an example, Marten has done a fine job explaining the editor on Youtube. More videos of that kind could be a valuable ressource for beginners. Going the Youtube-way would also allow for discussing individual problems, etc directly via the comment function.

To sum it up, Youtube-vids are:
+ Free,
+ interactive,
+ can be taylor-made to specific problems,
+ little to no cost involved for production, distribution, buying
- production values probably not as high as a fully-fledged DVD

Sounds like a great idea. When is yours going to be ready for viewing on YouTube?
xrist04 said:
When is yours going to be ready for viewing on YouTube?
I'll have to wait for my Axe-Fx to arrive first. Then we're talking.

Anyway, I'm confident that with an ever growing user base there'll be enough people willing to contribute a vid or two. Another idea that comes to mind is opening a "Fractal Audio" Youtube-Channel, perhaps with some hands-on advice from Cliff, where these kind of tutorial vids could be centralized.
While I love the idea of video tutorials, writing a few things down for a Wiki article is beyond what many people manage to do. A video production would be more involved. There hasn't been anything stopping people from making them so far, and a few people have. Forums and YouTube channels might be getting a little ahead of ourselves at this point.
The idea would have to be popularized in the forum, of course. As Youtube is a powerful marketing tool (Who didn't do a search for "Axe-FX" before buying?) maybe Cliff is willing to start things off with a couple of vids that show of some of the functionality and sounds of the unit. We then could go from there.
When gainzilla brought this topic up, I don't know if the idea was for it to be free necessarily. Perhaps I am wrong ?

One idea would be for Cliff (or have an employee) do some vids, maybe one effect a months and go deep into the parameters...maybe emulate different pedals and show what settings got there. Who else would know the in and outs of the Axe better.
No, originally it wasn't meant to be free, necessarily. But my take on things is this: A solution that is not free (a DVD for example), will decrease the potential audience drastically. The positive marketing effect of a free Youtube channel on the other hand, which explains the unit and its possibilities, will likely far outweigh the little revenue created by selling maybe a couple hundreds of DVDs. said:
No, originally it wasn't meant to be free, necessarily. But my take on things is this: A solution that is not free (a DVD for example), will decrease the potential audience drastically. The positive marketing effect of a free Youtube channel on the other hand, which explains the unit and its possibilities, will likely far outweigh the little revenue created by selling maybe a couple hundreds of DVDs.
For FAS, not anyone else. That limits the time & quality you're likely to get. If someone was being paid for work on the Wiki, it'd be much more thorough and easier to use too.
gittarzann said:
When gainzilla brought this topic up, I don't know if the idea was for it to be free necessarily. Perhaps I am wrong ?

One idea would be for Cliff (or have an employee) do some vids, maybe one effect a months and go deep into the parameters...maybe emulate different pedals and show what settings got there. Who else would know the in and outs of the Axe better.
Id definitely Pay for something that handled the basics in depth... said:
xrist04 said:
When is yours going to be ready for viewing on YouTube?
I'll have to wait for my Axe-Fx to arrive first. Then we're talking.

Anyway, I'm confident that with an ever growing user base there'll be enough people willing to contribute a vid or two. Another idea that comes to mind is opening a "Fractal Audio" Youtube-Channel, perhaps with some hands-on advice from Cliff, where these kind of tutorial vids could be centralized.
Awesome idea! :cool:
I would DEFINITELY pay for a DVD!

I could use all the help I can get. The advantage of a DVD over Youtube videos would be audio quality, you could hear the subtle differances much better for certain paramiters. Then there is quality control etc.

In short I would love someone to make an indepth dvd for both basic amp and cab junctions and also advanced effects.
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