high end head or Axe-FX for high gain

plexi59 said:
Amp and cab models are identical between Standard and Ultra. Reverb is different, there are a few more effects, but amps and cabs are the same.

yeah it has a more complex delay setup as well i think.
Thor1777 said:
I will probably go with a tube poweramp....might make it a bit warmer

It will make the choice between using poweramp sims or not difficult though. I used to keep them on, but run it with PA sims off now through my VHT2502. On the other hand it's a pity as I cannot benefit from all the nice poweramp features now.

You might as well get an ART SLA first (as it's cheap) and see how you get along with that. If not, sell the ART and get a VHT.
I have been wanting to put my mesa rectifier on ebay now that I have my axe-fx dialed in. My FRFR setup doesn't have quite the volume/attack that the mesa did, but it is incredibly more usable at normal volume levels. To get a good tone out of the mesa, I basically had to have it at the lowest volume acceptable that would not blow out the neighbors during the day, which was fairly loud.
Going with a tube power amp (or guitar cabs for that matter) partially defeats the purpose of Axe-FX. You get rid of the bulk and weight of your traditional rig, and then you turn around and add most of that bulk and weight back. :lol: If I was gigging I'd go with FRFR with either active speakers or passives and one of those new lightweight Carvin amps (or a QSC).

For recording, I use ADAM A7 monitors which sound just wonderful at human-friendly volume levels. I do have a couple of guitar cabs right underneath my Axe based rig, but they've been collecting dust since I bought the A7's.
plexi59 said:
Going with a tube power amp (or guitar cabs for that matter) partially defeats the purpose of Axe-FX. You get rid of the bulk and weight of your traditional rig, and then you turn around and add most of that bulk and weight back. :lol:

the way i look at the axe is the fact that i get tones i'm happy with. my bass rig is an amp[eg svt and 8x10 cab. it's heavy as fuck but sounds awesome. i use the axefx with a mesa strategy 400 power amp. it's the heaviest power amp i've ever seen. makes the axe sound better than any other power amp i've used with it(have been many)
thanks for all of the info guys, I think part of it may be a mind thing...you get so used to the boutique head and cab for the sound and you have to be open enough to think that something else might be better
Crucified said:
plexi59 said:
Going with a tube power amp (or guitar cabs for that matter) partially defeats the purpose of Axe-FX. You get rid of the bulk and weight of your traditional rig, and then you turn around and add most of that bulk and weight back. :lol:

the way i look at the axe is the fact that i get tones i'm happy with. my bass rig is an amp[eg svt and 8x10 cab. it's heavy as fuck but sounds awesome. i use the axefx with a mesa strategy 400 power amp. it's the heaviest power amp i've ever seen. makes the axe sound better than any other power amp i've used with it(have been many)

Wow, I'm sure that Mesa 400 has some serious balls! What's its weight?
hey, well I almost bought a Rivera poweramp but I could not get the guy to end the sale on ebay early so I went with the sla-2 to see how that works to start with ;-)
thanks again guys
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