high end head or Axe-FX for high gain


Hello all, I am a newbie to axe-fx. I recently sold my Ultra Lead head and am trying to decide between a new head (maybe Engl SE) or the Axe-Fx for brutal music. For those of you that have made this decision...would you go Axe-Fx or head? I dont record too often, maybe in the future I will more but right now its mainly for playing at home (usually around 4 vol on 100w head) or playing with a band.

thanks to all :D
i think that is why I have held on to my fireball and sold the Ultra Lead, the fireball was much better at lower volumns
I'm biased, but I'm going to have to say Axe-FX hands down. If you just need it for the amp modeling and reverb, even Standard will piss all over most high end tube heads. No contest.
i sold, a diezel hertbert and bogner uberschall and kept my axefx. i play grind, death metal and doom. axefx wins.
If you wanna have that punch you got from your tube amp (and as you say home fun is the game, not recording sound) then I'd recomment to stick with a real guitar cab.

Now whether you drive that cab with an Axe/Poweramp or an Amp head is hard to answer. A tube head will give you 2-3 good sounds but then not much more once you get bored. The Axe has so many sounds that you'll hardly ever get bored.

But the Axe takes your time and energy before it gives you what you want. It wants to get time from you to learn its tricks and how it responds to your tweaking and playing. A head will usually be dialed in quicker.

Asking that question on this forum means that you actually want the Axe anyways, and just look for some reconfirmation, so just get on with it and place that order :mrgreen:
i think you're right, I guess I already know that I want the axe-fx, just some confirming of my thoughts about the true high gain tone sounds from users make it easier to part with the money :D
I recommend you the Axe also, go for a poweramp and cabs and the axe and you will have a lot of fun.
I am a "marshal guy" and my Axe beats my marshall 6100 on many ways and yes that took a while to dial in, but if i get bored with my sound now i know
i can switch whenever i want, there are many good amps in it.

Btw i am trying to sell my knuckelhead :cool: so i generate money to try frfr
Crucified said:
i sold, a diezel hertbert and bogner uberschall and kept my axefx. i play grind, death metal and doom. axefx wins.

you play what, what, and whatttttt! :shock: Crucified I'd love to hear some of your patches. It's hard to find guys on herre playing that stuff. Seriously I really want to hear what you have going so far.
I sold my SE (el34). Hunter is spot on about cabs though. I had the XXL and nothing comes close to that monster for moving air!! But the Axe with the Verve 12ma (I have a pair) sounds very close and for home use, may even be better!!
I actually sold an ENGL Powerball to help fund my Axe-Fx purchase. I was able to pretty much exactly duplicate my old Powerball within minutes of hooking up the Axe for the first time. I couldn't believe it. Everything was there, the gain, the feel, tone controls that felt and reacted the same, the dynamics... everything.

I've never played an SE, but from what I understand, the SE is voiced somewhere between the Powerball and Savage 120 (both of which I have experience with), but favoring the Powerball just a bit more, in addition to having a lot more tone shaping options overall.

For a while, I was even considering picking up the SE preamp to run in the same rig with my Axe-Fx and VHT 2/90/2 just in case there was something there that I couldn't get with the Axe. That was way before the 7.00 update though. These days, I have basically zero desire to buy any type of amp or preamp, as it would almost certainly be totally redundant in my rig. The Axe-Fx is versatile enough that I'm totally confident that with an A/B test and some time to tweak, I could easily get close enough to the SE's sound that any differences would be negligible.

Honestly, now that I've had more time to tweak my own sounds and really hone in on the "tone in my head" or at least what I would imagine the type of tone people who want a Powerball in the first place would be after, I'm a lot more satisfied with the Axe-Fx that I ever was with my ENGL.

edit: Just as an afterthought... get the Axe, seriously. You absolutely will not regret it. Not only for the super duper ENGL style high gain stuff, but for everything else as well. The thing sounds great. I've shown my rig to a few people who love tube amps all around, as well as music store employees I know who are around quality gear all day long. Not once have I ever received a single negative comment or critique or "if only you could do this or adjust this little bit here" on the tone. Actually, as soon as I show most of them what this thing can do and sound like, and sit them down with my guitar and tell them to let loose for a while, they'll usually sit there and jam until somebody comes up and starts asking them about it. :D In my experience, if the gear is good, it's easy to lose yourself in it. I could lock myself in the room with my rig for a day and be perfectly happy... I can honestly say that this is by far the best musical purchase I have ever made and I smile every time I turn it on. I know that sounds like a cheesy commercial or something, but it's true.
man, you guys are convincing...seriously though, thank you for all of the input....Can I get these kind of high gain tones from the standard or does it have to be the Ultra? I do have a bit of a budget, could either be a good tube power amp and the standard or a ss pamp and the ultra? I'm not really into effects that much, dont even have any pedals other than overdrive that I used with my ultra lead...just love the high gain brootal sound :twisted:
Thor1777 said:
man, you guys are convincing...seriously though, thank you for all of the input....Can I get these kind of high gain tones from the standard or does it have to be the Ultra? I do have a bit of a budget, could either be a good tube power amp and the standard or a ss pamp and the ultra? I'm not really into effects that much, dont even have any pedals other than overdrive that I used with my ultra lead...just love the high gain brootal sound :twisted:


:evil: :twisted: :evil: :twisted: :evil: :twisted: :evil: :twisted: :evil:
seriously brutal....I heard the Slayer one before, sounds more Kerry King than the 2203kk model does...can you do that with the Standard?
Thor1777 said:
seriously brutal....I heard the Slayer one before, sounds more Kerry King than the 2203kk model does...can you do that with the Standard?

well i believe Clawfinger uses a Standard if i remember correctly so I'd say yes you can. Here is a feature comparison between the 2 models http://axefxwiki.guitarlogic.org/index.php?title=Feature_comparison. Most of the tone is in the amp blocks, the cabinet IR, and some EQ/PEQ and both models can handle those exactly the same.

And, just so you know the quality of the sound between the 2 units is identical with the features they share. It's not like the Recto amp sim is going to sound better on the Ultra. The Ultra just offers a few more effects blocks and gizmos that for me weren't the selling point anyway. I just wanted the added processing power so if I wanted a bunch of things running simultaneously I could have more with the Ultra.

…and Meshuggah use then, brootal endorsement if i ever heard one lol
Thor1777 said:
man, you guys are convincing...seriously though, thank you for all of the input....Can I get these kind of high gain tones from the standard or does it have to be the Ultra? I do have a bit of a budget, could either be a good tube power amp and the standard or a ss pamp and the ultra? I'm not really into effects that much, dont even have any pedals other than overdrive that I used with my ultra lead...just love the high gain brootal sound :twisted:

The Standard should do what you're describing easily. The Ultra is basically for people who want to be able to do the really out-there effects, or just to put tons of stuff in a single patch. The Standard and Ultra's amp models are exactly the same.

If I were you, I'd go for the Standard and a good poweramp. Doesn't even have to be tube unless you find yourself playing with considerable volume. SS is fine for practice / low to medium volume. Tube if you really plan on cranking it though.
Amp and cab models are identical between Standard and Ultra. Reverb is different, there are a few more effects, but amps and cabs are the same.
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