Hey fellas, new here, quick question


Hi everyone,
I just bought my axe fx ultra not too long ago and I must say I am quite please with the results. I sold engl in a heartbeat! I love the tones I can get direct or for live use. I have it set up with a vht power amp. I am going to start playing live very soon and so obviously I will be saving up for the MFC 101 pedal board. For now I totally forgot that I have a Behringer FCB 1010 midi foot controller lying around.

I know there a lot of posts on here of people asking how to use this with the Axe fx with the uno mod.
I do not have that but I am not interested about the stomp box mode. All I want to do is simply switch from patch to patch.

Can anyone give me a step by step process of how to do this? As if it was called "FCB1010 for dummies," be as simple as possible lol. So far I have FCB MIdi out / thru to Axe fx In....ok ... now what?

Ok guys, help me out!
Thanks in advance!!!

I have the uno, so cant offer any full-on advice, but i saw the manual here...

...and it looks like that is all you need to set it up.

In the axe-fx, the only thing you should need to do is make sure it is set up to receive MIDI data on the same channel as the FCB is using. There are 24 channels total. Use channel 1 for both devices. Also you might need to correct for the first preset number. That is, Axe-fx might start at 000?? by default, FCB starts at 001. It is annoying if you hit preset "15" on the FCB and preset "14" appears on the Axe. This adjustment should be in the midi tab after you press CTRL button on front panel... i think.. I will be together with my axe later tonight
All I did to get mine working was reset the FCB1010 to factory settings as described in the manual, calibrated the pedals as described in the manual, and bam, all the switches worked for selecting patches.

I have the uno, so cant offer any full-on advice, but i saw the manual here...

...and it looks like that is all you need to set it up.

In the axe-fx, the only thing you should need to do is make sure it is set up to receive MIDI data on the same channel as the FCB is using. There are 24 channels total. Use channel 1 for both devices. Also you might need to correct for the first preset number. That is, Axe-fx might start at 000?? by default, FCB starts at 001. It is annoying if you hit preset "15" on the FCB and preset "14" appears on the Axe. This adjustment should be in the midi tab after you press CTRL button on front panel... i think.. I will be together with my axe later tonight

Hello JJunkie!
First off thank you for helping me out with this little situation.
I have that manual but because I am so technically illiterate when it comes to these things, it is a little difficult for me to comprehend the material.

Right now I have my Midi out/thru connected to the Midi in on the ultra and I have the Midi set to omni on the axefx.
I have the display offset to 1. You go to I/O on the axe fx and go to the midi page. Go to display offset and put it to one. (that is how you fix that first preset number dilemma)
I am still getting no interaction between the units...
I think I am on the wrong channel or something.
How do I set both units to channel one if you dont mind?
I personally love using the axe fx ultra with the fcb1010 with uno chip. I have a full rig setup with effects and such.
All I did to get mine working was reset the FCB1010 to factory settings as described in the manual, calibrated the pedals as described in the manual, and bam, all the switches worked for selecting patches.

Hi Joelan!
I went to the manual and found how to do the factory reset.
I think I did it correctly but once again no luck..

Here was my procedure:
For the FCB 1010
I turn off the FCB
held pedals 1 and 6
Turned it back on and let it count down from 10 to 0 and then stop blinking.

For the AxeFx
I went and checked my I/O settings in my axe fx
I/o --> Midi
Midi Channel:1
Program Change: yes
Mapping mode: None
Map from: 0
Map to: 0
Display Offset 1

Is there something I did wrong or are the I/O setting in my AXE FX wrong?

Thanks for being patient with me guys!
Obviously Im not the most tech savvy of bunch
Sorry Msantora,

I am in Australia, so its morning now and I am at work. I will look at my settings and report back when I get home tonight
My Axe-fx midi settings are exactly the same as yours, but there are a few other settings (probably not important though) you can view by scrolling further down the page.. my settings are:
Ignore redundant PC - off
send realtime sysex - none
midi PC offset - 0

So i don't see what could be wrong, unless your FCB is not on actually using channel 1. Set your axe-fx channel to omni and check if it works. I think you had it set to omni previously, but then you reset the FCB and changed the axe-fx to channel 1, right?

If you are interested, you can change the FCB's channel to 1 by doing this (at least you will know for certain what channel its using):

-Power on while simultaneously pressing the DOWN button. Wait for the DIRECT SELECT light to come on
-Press UP twice
-Press 0 then 1 (for channel "01")
-Press UP
-Press and hold DOWN for 2.5 sec to exit the setup and return to normal operation mode.

good luck. I don't know how much more I can help.
My Axe-fx midi settings are exactly the same as yours, but there are a few other settings (probably not important though) you can view by scrolling further down the page.. my settings are:
Ignore redundant PC - off
send realtime sysex - none
midi PC offset - 0

So i don't see what could be wrong, unless your FCB is not on actually using channel 1. Set your axe-fx channel to omni and check if it works. I think you had it set to omni previously, but then you reset the FCB and changed the axe-fx to channel 1, right?

If you are interested, you can change the FCB's channel to 1 by doing this (at least you will know for certain what channel its using):

-Power on while simultaneously pressing the DOWN button. Wait for the DIRECT SELECT light to come on
-Press UP twice
-Press 0 then 1 (for channel "01")
-Press UP
-Press and hold DOWN for 2.5 sec to exit the setup and return to normal operation mode.

good luck. I don't know how much more I can help.

I GOT IT!!!!!
Your awesome my friend!:p:p:p
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