Hey everyone, new to AxeFx II and trying to use Voodoo Lab Ground Control Pro


Hey everyone,

I'm a new (and very very happy) owner of AxeFx II and Voodoo Labs Ground Control pro. I have seen many posters refer to a YouTube setup video for this combination, but the video is no longer available. I am primarily a metal player, and I'm running a Roland EV-5 into the GCP as my expression pedal. Basically, on my primary patch for my band, I would like to set up the Expression for the Wah block obviously, as well as individual effects such as chorus/delay to be switchable within the patch. Also, I would like to use a second patch with bascially has several of these effects already set to being on, which I am assuming can be done by copying the original patch, setting the effects needed to "on" in the patch, and then using the GCP to switch to this preset when necessary. Finally, I would like to also dedicate a button to switching the tuner on. Can anyone recommend a guide for this, or give me some idiot proof directions on how I can accomplish this? I'm excited to get my rig up and running to its full potential ! Thanks for the help!
Welcome, what you ask is all very doable.. Note that scenes are awesome within one patch too.
Does the GCP the 4 and 12 preset modes ? If so you can do some pretty cool layouts with scenes.
There are threads here on this.. I'm on my phone so am kinda limited. Do a search for now and ill log back in when I'm on the desktop.
Enjoy your new box of awrsome!
Hey Muzza,

Yeah it does have 4 and 12 preset mode. I spent 2 hours going in circles last night though and I'm pretty lost at this point haha
Big picture:

-GCPro has presets of it's own.
-AxeFx has presets of it's own.
-The presets in both devices can (but don't necessarily have to) coincide. That's a powerful concept to understand so don't miss it.

Nuts and bolts to get started:

-Read the GCPro manual in your spare time or on the throne. It's not really well written, but it's small and somewhat helpful.
-Define your AxeFx MIDI channel as described on page 6 & 7 of the GCPro manual. Name it something brilliant like 'AXEFX' and assign it MIDI channel 1.
-Enable the expression pedal as described on page 8 of the GCPro manual.
-Define your bank size and instant access switches as described on pages 10-12 of the GCPro manual. The CC# you should use for each effect bypass is found by looking at the CTRL tab of the I/O menu of the AxeFx. The CC assignments are editable in the AxeFx, but most guys stick with the factory default CC assignments. Just reference the CC# for whichever effect you want to bypass. The list is also available on the wiki here. MIDI CCs list - Axe-Fx II Wiki Note that X/Y states are available too. Assign the pedal in the GCPro to the CC#16 for External 1.
-That should pretty much do it for GCPro setup. The rest is just editing each GCPro preset.

Let us know if you get this far, and welcome!
in 4 mode you have the bottom row and preset selectors and the upper 4 and IA switches to turn on/off effect (you can choose which effects XY) ... havent used a footswitch for the tuner as my controller can display that info anyhow so if i have to look at the axe I may as well push the button :)
12 mode gives you 12 presets and no IAs.. it has some great options if you want to use scenes though..eg four amp with three switchable sounds per amp! pretty cool!!!
It has been discussed somewhere in here I believe..
Unfortunately i have to leave for work. I will jump back on this evening and see if I can find it.
Oh the scenes are best programmed in the axe.. to be continued
Still working at practice, I think my problem is configuring the instant access buttons specifically, as well as the expression pedal.
Let's start with the expression pedal. Did you assign it to the AxeFx MIDI channel (1) and set the CC# to 16? When you're in setup mode you should be able to sweep the expression pedal and watch the values (on the GCPro screen) sweep from 0 to 127. Can you see that happening?

Report back.
Go to YouTube and look up the video on setting up GCP with the Eleven Rack. It is pretty much the same. Go to the I/O menu on the Axe fx and select midi. I believe it is the top selection to Omni. It is all the way at the end I believe. Then just follow the instructions on setting up the GCP exactly as the video says. The only thing you need to set on the Axe FX is the midi channel to Omni.
Most definitely though technically its the AxeFX that allows us to use our controllers to access scenes.

You can opt for either the standard 4 preset/8 IA where the preset switches become your scene switches..which gives the versatility of being able to switch individual effect! I believe you have an 8 preset option on the GCP yeah? This would give you 8 scenes.. You pick which scenes each button selects.. Eg you can have 4 columns of 3 scenes per patch (pretty standard amp layout clean crunch lead) or maybe you could have 3 rows of four scenes per preset..

It's a great feature..

So you have the GCP changing presets and stomping effects yeah?

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OK, got the scenes working over the weekend. I guess the part I was missing was how the mapping worked. I first thought you could only map one GCP preset to a Axe preset and scene. I didn't realize that you just scroll to the next preset number in the mapping and it retains what you set for the last one. Super easy.
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