Hetfield Clean


So here's my quick and dirty attempt at a Hetfield Clean Chorus type tone. Mainly based on the tone he uses live. Still missing a little something, but close. Keep in mind this was one take on the clean and another quick take on the "solo" (lol) using my Mark IV patch. Also, this is not at all mixed so might be a little hot in spots.

Grab it on Axe-Change
Axe-Change - Download Preset - HET CHORUS - by KH2203
Try the JC120 roland jazzchorus. That is THEE sound.

AFAIK, on MOP Hetfield used his Mesa MkIIC+ for the cleans, I am pretty sure he started using the JC-120 around the time of the making of AJFA. I'm not 100% sure on this, but either way that's a wicked tone dude, very close.
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